lpe234 / django-blog

Super simple multi-author blog application for Django.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Django Blog

A multi-author blog for Django.

Installation from Source

$ git clone git://github.com/jbergantine/django-blog.git
$ cd django-blog
$ python setup.py install

Installation via PIP Requirements File

Include in the PIP requirements file the following lines:

-e git://github.com/jbergantine/django-blog.git#egg=django_blog

And then install as normal (IE:)

$ pip install -r path/to/requirements/file.txt

Setup the Project For the Application

Add to the project's settings file tuple of INSTALLED_APPS:


In the project's urls.py file add:

url(r'^blog/author/', include('django_blog.urls.authors')),
url(r'^blog/category/', include('django_blog.urls.categories')),
url(r'^blog/feeds/', include('django_blog.urls.feeds')),
url(r'^blog/', include('django_blog.urls.entries')),

Specify the AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE in the project's settings file:

AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE = 'django_blog.Author'

If you're using South, initiate the migration and then migrate the database.

$ ./manage.py schemamigration --init django_blog
$ ./manage.py migrate django_blog

If you're not using South, sync the database.

$ ./manage.py syncdb

A list of the latest 15 posts can now be linked to:

<a href="{% url 'blog_entry_archive' %}">Blog</a>

A list of all posts in a specific year can be linked to, passing in the year:

<a href="{% url 'blog_entry_archive_year' 2012 %}">2012</a>

A list of all posts in a specific month can be linked to, passing in year and month:

<a href="{% url 'blog_entry_archive_month' 2012 01 %}">Jan, 2012</a>

A list of all posts on a specific day can be linked to, passing in year, month and day:

<a href="{% url blog_entry_archive_day 2012 01 01 %}">Jan 01, 2012</a>

A specific blog post can be linked to, passing in year, month, day and slug:

<a href="{% url 'blog_entry_detail' 2012 01 01 'first-post' %}">First Post</a>

A list of all categories can be linked to:

<a href="{% url 'blog_category_list' %}">Categories</a>

A list of all posts in a specific category can be linked to, passing in the slug of the category:

<a href="{% url 'blog_category_detail' 'spying' %}">Posts about Spying</a>

A list of all the posts by a specific author can be linked to, passing in the id of the author:

<a href="{% url 'blog_author_detail' 2 %}">Posts by James Bond</a>

The RSS feed can now be referred to in the <head> of your HTML templates:

<link rel="feed alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="Blog" href="{% url blog_feed %}" />

Configure the Templates

By default the templates contain only the bare necessities. To override the default templates, create a directory called django_blog in your templates directory and copy the templates from the project into that directory in order to make adjustments to them. If you're using Virtualenv, cd to the root of the django project and execute the following command:

cp -r $VIRTUAL_ENV/src/django-blog/django_blog/templates/django_blog templates/django_blog

Template Tags

{% authors_list %}

Returns an unordered list of all authors via the template _authors_list.html.


{% load authors_list %}
{% authors_list %}

{% categories_list %}

Returns an unordered list of all categories via the template _categories_list.html.


{% load categories_list %}
{% categories_list %}


Super simple multi-author blog application for Django.

License:MIT License