lowenhere / emotiv-cortex2-python-client

Comprehensive threaded, asynchronous Python client for the Emotiv EEG Cortex 2 API. 🧠

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

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Emotiv Cortex2 Python Client

PyPI version

Author: methylDragon

Image result for emotiv epoc

Image result for emotiv logo

Image sources: Emotiv


Unofficial Python client for the Emotiv EEG Cortex 2 API.

Features the entire JSON-RPC API communicated via asynchronous websockets for speed.

The Cortex 2 app is used to host a websocket web server gateway interface that takes JSON requests and returns JSON data.

This Python client is designed to be a wrapper client for said API. It streams multi-session sensor data using a separate asynchronous thread!

API Reference: https://emotiv.gitbook.io/cortex-api/

PyPI Link: https://pypi.org/manage/project/cortex2

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  • Python 3.6 or above


pip install cortex2

Example Usage

Remember to set up your client ID and secret by registering

Also ensure you've started the EmotivApp, since it hosts the websocket server! (You'll probably have to use Windows or Mac.)

If the client fails to connect, you might have to restart the script using the client.

from cortex2 import EmotivCortex2Client

url = "wss://localhost:6868"

# Remember to start the Emotiv App before you start!
# Start client with authentication
client = EmotivCortex2Client(url,

# Test API connection by using the request access method

# Explicit call to Authenticate (approve and get Cortex Token)

# Connect to headset, connect to the first one found, and start a session for it

# Subscribe to the motion and mental command streams
# Spins up a separate subscription thread
client.subscribe(streams=["mot", "com"])

# Test message handling speed
a = client.subscriber_messages_handled
b = client.subscriber_messages_handled
print((b - a) / 5)

# Grab a single instance of data

# Continously grab data, while making requests periodically
while True:
    counter += 1
    # time.sleep(0.1)

    if counter % 5000 == 0:
    # Try stopping the subscriber thread
    if counter == 50000:
        # Check the latest data point from the motion stream, from the first session

You can also connect by explicitly stating IDs!


You can do a lot more! The entire API is covered, and everything generally works the same way.

Additional Notable Features

  • The websockets API is wrapped with helper functions to do request ID checking, asynchronous message handling, and some basic data sanitisation
  • Threads are used to try to allow for subscription to multiple sessions and multiple headsets
    • The threads have a helper function that automatically splits the data streams so you may work on the streams independently as opposed to all lumped together as one object
  • Automatic syncing helper methods for detecting existing sessions and headsets will fire off when the relevant methods are called. (Eg. when trying to update, connect, or disconnect headsets, the client will automatically query and update the dictionary of seen headsets.)

Notable Class Attributes

Name Type Description Example
debug bool Debug flag. Slows down data subscription rate if set.
client_id str Client ID
client_secret str Client Secret
cortex_token str Cortex Token
approved bool True if access is granted
authorized bool True if cortex token is issued
headsets OrderedDict() OrderedDict of headset object dicts seen
connected_headsets OrderedDict() OrderedDict of connected headset object dicts
sessions OrderedDict() OrderedDict of seen session object dicts
data_deque_size int Maximum size of each subscriber data buffer
data_streams dict Sensor data streams keyed by session {session_id: {data_stream_deques_types: [data]}, ...}
subscribed_streams dict Data stream names and descriptions that are subscribed, keyed by session {session_id: {stream_names: info}, ...}
subscriber_spinning bool Tracks whether the subscriber thread is running
subscriber_messages_handled int Counts how many subscriber messages have been handled
subscriber_reading threading.Event() Event flag to pause the subscriber without killing it

Class Methods

Class Helpers

  • send_authed_request(method=None, params={}, request=None)
  • send_request(method=None, params={}, request=None)
  • set_client_id(client_id)
  • set_client_secret(client_secret)
  • _verify_key(key, response, field=None)
  • _exit_handler(\_signo, _stack_frame)

Connecting to Cortex API

  • get_cortex_info()


  • get_user_login()

  • request_access()

  • has_access_right()

  • authorize()

  • generate_new_token()

  • get_user_information()

  • get_license_info()

  • Helpers

    • authenticate()


  • query_headsets(id=None, sync=True)

  • control_device(command, headset_id=None, mappings=None)

  • refresh_headsets()

  • connect_headset(headset_id_idx=0, headset_id=None, mappings=None)

  • disconnect_headset(headset_id)

  • update_headset(settings, headset_id_idx=0, headset_id=None)

  • maximise_headset(headset_id_idx=0, headset_id=None)

  • maximise_headset_no_motion(headset_id_idx=0, headset_id=None)

  • Helpers

    • sync_headsets(response=None, query=True)
    • _get_headset_type(headset_id)


  • create_session(headset_id_idx=0, headset_id=None)

  • create_activated_session(headset_id_idx=0, headset_id=None)

  • update_session(status, session_id_idx=0, session_id=None)

  • activate_session(session_id_idx=0, session_id=None)

  • close_session(session_id_idx=0, session_id=None)

  • query_sessions(sync=True)

  • Helpers

    • sync_sessions(response=None, query=True)

Data Subscription

  • subscribe(streams, session_id_idx=0, session_id=None)

  • unsubscribe(streams, session_id_idx=0, session_id=None)

  • Helpers

    • receive_data()
    • spin_subscriber()
    • stop_subscriber()
    • pause_subscriber()
    • resume_subscriber()
    • _subscriber_thread()
    • _create_data_streams(session_id)
    • _delete_data_streams(session_id)
    • _split_and_update_data_streams(data_sample)


  • create_record(title, session_id_idx=0, session_id=None, description=None, subject_name=None, tags=None)
  • stop_record(title, session_id_idx=0, session_id=None)
  • update_record(record_id, description=None, tags=None)
  • delete_record(record_ids)
  • export_record(record_ids, folder, format, stream_types, version=None)
  • export_edf(record_ids, folder, stream_types)
  • export_csv_v1(record_ids, folder, stream_types)
  • export_csv_v2(record_ids, folder, stream_types)
  • query_records(query, order_by={'startDatetime': "DESC"}, limit=0, offset=0, include_markers=False)
  • get_record_infos(record_ids)


  • inject_marker(time, value, label, session_id_idx=0, session_id=None, port=None, extras=None)
  • update_marker(marker_id, time, session_id_idx=0, session_id=None, extras=None)


  • query_profiles()
  • get_current_profile(headset_id_idx=0, headset_id=None)
  • setup_profile(status, profile, headset_id_idx=0, headset_id=None, new_profile_name=None)
  • create_profile(profile)
  • load_profile(profile, headset_id_idx=0, headset_id=None)
  • unload_profile(profile, headset_id_idx=0, headset_id=None)
  • save_profile(profile)
  • rename_profile(profile, headset_id_idx=0, headset_id=None, new_profile_name=None)
  • delete_profile(profile)
  • load_guest_profile(headset_id_idx=0, headset_id=None)
  • get_detection_info(detection)
  • get_mental_command_info()
  • get_facial_expression_info()
  • training(detection, status, action, session_id_idx=0, session_id=None)
  • start_training(detection, action, session_id_idx=0, session_id=None)
  • accept_training(detection, action, session_id_idx=0, session_id=None)
  • reject_training(detection, action, session_id_idx=0, session_id=None)
  • reset_training(detection, action, session_id_idx=0, session_id=None)
  • erase_training(detection, action, session_id_idx=0, session_id=None)

Advanced BCI

  • get_trained_signature_actions(detection, profile=None, session=None)
  • get_training_time(detection, session_id_idx=0, session_id=None)
  • facial_expression_signature_type(status, profile=None, session=None, signature=None)
  • get_facial_expression_signature_type(profile=None, session=None)
  • set_facial_expression_signature_type(profile=None, session=None, signature=None)
  • facial_expression_threshold(status, action, profile=None, session=None, value=None)
  • get_facial_expression_threshold(action, profile=None, session=None)
  • set_facial_expression_threshold(action, profile=None, session=None, value=None)
  • mental_command_active_action(status, profile=None, session=None, actions=[])
  • get_mental_command_active_action(profile=None, session=None)
  • set_mental_command_active_action(profile=None, session=None, actions=[])
  • mental_command_brain_map(profile=None, session=None)
  • mental_command_get_skill_rating(profile=None, session=None, action=None)
  • mental_command_training_threshold(profile=None, session=None)
  • mental_command_action_level(status, profile=None, session=None, level=None)
  • get_mental_command_action_level(profile=None, session=None)
  • set_mental_command_action_level(profile=None, session=None, level=None)
  • mental_command_action_sensitivity(status, profile=None, session=None, values=[])
  • get_mental_command_action_sensitivity(status, profile=None, session=None)
  • set_mental_command_action_sensitivity(status, profile=None, session=None, values=[])


Comprehensive threaded, asynchronous Python client for the Emotiv EEG Cortex 2 API. 🧠

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%