lovac42 / Cronholio

Addon: Cron Task Scheduler

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Cronholio: Cron Task Scheduler


This addon designates the current card in the reviewer as a cron card. A cron card follows a schedule from the assigned expression. This is useful for reminders and small notes kept in flashcards.

Expression Syntax:

@daily: Repeats the card once per day.
@hourly: Repeats the card every hour.

min hrs dom mon dow
*/15 * * * *: Every 15 minutes.
* */3 * * *: Every 3 hours.
0 0 1 * *: Every 1st of the month.
0 0 * * mon: Every Monday.
0 0 * * 2,4,6: Every Tue, Thur, Sat.
0 0 * * 5#3: 3rd Fri of the month.
0 0 * * mon-wed,fri: Every Mon to Wed and Fri.
0 0 1 jan *: Every 1st of Jan.
0 0 L * *: Last day of the month.

For more info see here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron

Macro Expansions:

This can be customized in addon options for Anki2.1.
For Anki2.0, you will need to edit the config.json file.

h: Hourly
d: Daily
ed: Even days
od: Odd days
wd: Weekdays
we: Weekends
mon,wed-fri: Every Monday, Wed-Fri
1 jan,feb: Every 1st of Jan and Feb
eye: The eye of the month (15th~16th)

When changing configs, you can test out your syntax with this site: https://crontab-generator.org


Reviews will be scheduled based on Anki's notion of time and timezones. Day scheduled cards are converted to review cards (Anki-time) and intraday scheduled cards are converted to learning cards following Unix Epoch time. Any time specific information beyond "today" is discarded, as Anki-time only records dates.

Also, scheduling a card for the next day will not show up until 4 AM under Anki's default config settings. This can be changed under the "Next day starts at" option in preferences.

User Data:

Cron table is saved in user's media folder in a file called "_crontab".
Backups are named "_crontab.bak" and "_crontab.ba2"


Problems with other button timer manipulation addons could be resolved by changing the addon file/folder name so that cronholio gets loaded first before any other addons.


Since these are scheduled task without any changes to interval, no logging methods are coded in this addon.


API Used:

croniter: https://github.com/taichino/croniter util.py File from IR3 by Luo Li-Yan


Addon: Cron Task Scheduler

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 99.9%Language:Batchfile 0.1%