lourenco-calhau / Simple-Java-Calculator

A simple calculator in Java

Home Page:https://github.com/lourenco-calhau/Simple-Java-Calculator

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Simple Java Calculator 🧮

This project is a calculator like any other simple one. My goal is to perfection the design, functionalities and even to upgrade the calculator to a scientific one, along with time.


With the start of this project, my objective was to learn and to utilize new libraries that I had not used before. By using the Abstract Window Toolkit and the Swing libraries for the first time, I was first introduced to the creation of a visual application of the code in Java, outside the IDE console. I followed a YouTube tutorial that helped me understand the basic functionalities of both these libraries, which led me to the my first creation of a calculator.
