loupeabody / stok

an exercise project for learning backbone.js

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#stok loopy.me/stok
An exercise project for learning how to use backbone.js and build perfomant web apps.

####07/10/15 - 1st Performance Rundown

The current version of stok wasn't made to be performant, I was primarily concerned with making my first MV* app. But now that I've learned a little about measuring web app performance and what constitutes a performant app, I'll see how stok fares.

I'm going to define a performant app as this document does, 1000/100/6/50:

  • 1000ms to load the app
  • 100ms to respond to user input
  • 6ms for animations
  • 50ms for any work done during idle time

Besides just speed profiling, though, I have a concern about how I manage the lifecycle of a view. I suspect the current implementation is either using too much memory or causing a memory leak. I need to learn more about memory profiling before I can effectively do that, though.

The following profiling was performed on a Lenovo ThinkPad X230 on Chrome v43.0.2357.132.


Target: <1000ms    
Result: ~842.25ms

The Window's load event fires a little before 840ms, but there's some painting done afterwards which ends at roughly 842.25ms. At this point the JS has been loaded via RequireJS, as well as the CSS, the Backbone router is initialized, and the first view is rendered.

There is a visible delay between the time the initial CSS is painted (~212.35ms) and the first view appears (~842.25ms), so it may be worth having a CSS loading screen of some sort. If, that is, the gap can be closed through javascript alone. I suspect that's unlikely since RequireJS has to load Backbone and all of its dependencies in order to render a view to begin with.

A time of ~842.25ms isn't bad, but it does push up against the limit. This is a less than bare-boned iteration of the app, so I would hope that the load time would be way lower than it currently is. RequireJS may be a bottleneck, given the way it loads modules. At a glance, however, I ought to be able to save some time using Zepto instead of JQuery:

JQuery took 116.920ms to evaluate after being loaded by RequireJS, while every other module took a total of 57.937ms to be evaluated. That's over 95% of the total evaluation time just for JQuery! I'm definitely not taking advantage of many of the features of JQuery, so switching to Zepto should be painless.


There are several different scenarios where stok responds to user input, and many of them currently run within the 100ms budget:

  • Clicking the '+list' button renders a view: 10.505ms - timeline - data
  • Adding a list from within the listEditView: 64.903ms - timeline - data
  • Deleting a non-empty list: 73.851ms - timeline - data
  • Clicking the '+item' button renders a view: 34.051ms - timeline - data
  • Editing an existing item: 30.257ms - timeline - data

Some, on the other hand, don't:

The one thing that all of these slow responses have in common is that they render item views.

Each item is first rendered in a Backbone view, added to the DOM, and then once its image is fully loaded, added to the Masonry container. Those items are first hidden (JQuery's hide method) before adding to Masonry, since their heights need to be calculated, which depends on the image size.

This isn't a good way to go about showing the items. There's some layout thrashing being caused by this method and the images are too big to load within a reasonable amount of time. And the marquee elements don't help at all. Images can be compressed and resized, but the entire implementation needs reworking to become performant.

Overall, the passing response times are okay, but definitely need refining. Like I said before, this version of stok doesn't do anything special. It shouldn't be cutting this close to the performance budgets.


Stok currently doesn't animate anything. Though there's nothing to measure here, I intend on using animations in an updated design. They'll be implemented with CSS and executed with JS.

Once I've done that, I'll ensure the animations perform well on their own (without the app backend) and then hook them up to Backbone. At that point I'll have something to measure.


Stok is currently only doing work to respond to user input. There's nothing being done during idle time.

As of right now, I can't think of anything idle time can be spent doing, so I'll address this as more features are added to stok.


  • Try using Zepto to cut down on load time. JQuery takes too long to evaluate, maybe Zepto can help lower the load time.
  • The rendering of item views is a bottleneck. Discover which parts of the rendering implementation are taking up the most time and fix them.

First thing I'm going to do next is make the updated design. Once that's performant on its own (without being hooked into the app), I'll tackle the items above.

####07/02/15 The first working build is live at loopy.me/stok.

This is the first MVC (MV*) app I've built from scratch. I feel like I've got a better grasp on the nature of MVC (MV*) apps, but still like I'm just scratching the surface.

Besides just needing some cleaning up, stok doesn't take full advantage of Backbone's data binding via Backbone.events. The views are destroyed and re-rendered on every route, certainly there's a better way? I suppose this is mostly the result of the add/edit views being a modal which hides the rest of the page.

In any case, there are many things I can and will improve over time.

The plan is to turn stok into a hosted node app with Restify and Mongoose, at which point I'll stop publicly updating this repo.

Some noted (short-term) errors/things to improve:

  • Marquees are no bueno, find a better way to control input lengths in layout
  • No input validation whatsoever
  • Find performance bottlenecks (get familiar with dev tools timeline)
    • images are a major cause here, it's trivial to compress them, but compression alone doesn't address long-term method of image handling


an exercise project for learning backbone.js



Language:JavaScript 79.1%Language:CSS 12.5%Language:HTML 8.4%