Uses HMC5883L_3-Axis_Digital_Compass_IC
Invent an IoT (Internet of Things) product
Teaches person how to play table tennis on his own with guidance
Swing Analyzer by measuring angles of swing in 3D
Utilising the systems of a microprocessor, magnetometer and accelerometer, the final product is able to track the angle, direction and accerelation of hand movement. The system autonomously sends the data over a wireless communication to the server, where the analysis is carried out and any successful swings and individual feedback/records are output in realtime, capable of guiding a person how to play table tennis on his own.
Mosquito broker setup on a laptop
Device sends to laptop via MQTT (JSON format) through EEERover network
Server(cloud) receives JSON packets and processes data and outputs statistics of counts and guidance to improve swings
Triggered by push button to switch between swing detection and compass
Utilize accelerometer to set a threshold of detecting swing
Differentiating different types of swing by determining the angle difference using data from magnetometer
Adapted accelerometer onto board for measurement triggering
Only send data when accelerometer above certain magnitude(swing detected), minimising data sent
Server acts like a cloud, processing and output can be sent to app/website/other device, etc