louiskueh / Internet-of-Things-Table-Tennis-Device

An IoT device that helps to teach you proper table tennis swing types!

Repository from Github https://github.comlouiskueh/Internet-of-Things-Table-Tennis-DeviceRepository from Github https://github.comlouiskueh/Internet-of-Things-Table-Tennis-Device

An IoT device that teaches correct table tennis techniques

Uses HMC5883L_3-Axis_Digital_Compass_IC



  • Invent an IoT (Internet of Things) product

  • Teaches person how to play table tennis on his own with guidance

  • Swing Analyzer by measuring angles of swing in 3D


Utilising the systems of a microprocessor, magnetometer and accelerometer, the final product is able to track the angle, direction and accerelation of hand movement. The system autonomously sends the data over a wireless communication to the server, where the analysis is carried out and any successful swings and individual feedback/records are output in realtime, capable of guiding a person how to play table tennis on his own.

Sending of data to MQTT broker

  • Mosquito broker setup on a laptop

  • Device sends to laptop via MQTT (JSON format) through EEERover network

  • Server(cloud) receives JSON packets and processes data and outputs statistics of counts and guidance to improve swings

On device processing/formatting

  • Triggered by push button to switch between swing detection and compass

  • Utilize accelerometer to set a threshold of detecting swing

  • Differentiating different types of swing by determining the angle difference using data from magnetometer

Addition sensors, other I/O, cloud functionality

  • Adapted accelerometer onto board for measurement triggering

  • Only send data when accelerometer above certain magnitude(swing detected), minimising data sent

  • Server acts like a cloud, processing and output can be sent to app/website/other device, etc



An IoT device that helps to teach you proper table tennis swing types!


Language:Python 100.0%