louib / tx-processor

Simple transaction processor in Rust

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Tests status Code formatting

Simple transaction processor in Rust.

Implementation details

  • Errors encountered when processing transactions are currently logged to stderr, but are not acted upon, or logged to a log file for inspection.
  • Errors in the formatting of the CSV file containing the transactions are currently not handled.
  • The records in the transactions CSV file are read using csv::Reader::deserialize. The buffer size used by the csv::Reader can be configured using the buffer_capacity function, but the default value is being used at the moment. Benchmarking could determine if a different value is more appropriate.
  • The transaction processing functions are currently not thread-safe.
  • Atomicity is currently not guaranteed during transaction processing, but the critical sections have been identified in the code.
  • Decimal precision is currently configured to 4 digits, but can be changed using the DECIMAL_PRECISION const.
  • At the moment, accounts that are locked will no longer process transactions.


tx-processor transactions.csv

The state of all the accounts will be printed to stdout. Errors encountered while processing transactions will be printed to stderr.


Simple transaction processor in Rust


Language:Rust 100.0%