lorooe / TEUFEL

THz Emission from Undulators and Free-Electron Lasers

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


THz Emission from Undulators and Free-Electron Lasers

This is a C++ project to support tracking of charged particles in arbitrary external fields and to compute the electromagnetic radiation emitted by these particles using the Liénard-Wiechert formula.

The particles are distributed over several compute nodes which communicate using OpenMPI. In this computing model a Bunch() is an ensemble of particles residing on a single compute node. The Beam() may contain a number of bunches with different properties (like mass and charge of the particles). The Beam() is distributed over all available compute nodes which each track their own particles independently.

Every particle stores its full trajectory data. All field computation is done after the tracking is finished. Every compute node computes the fields of its own particles which are then gatherd onto the root node for file output. In addition to the MPI-parallelization, the field computation is parallelized on the nodes using the OpenMP shared memory model. This requires that the full field storage of a single observer can be held in the node memory.


  • particle tracking using different pusher algorithms (Euler, Vay)
    see \ref ChargedParticle
  • radiation emission towards a single observation point or observation screen
  • radiation propagation or reflection from one screen to another
  • several external field objects (homogeneous dipole, planar undulator ...)
  • the trackig problem is defined by a human-readable XML file
  • a built-in calculator allows easy computation of input parameters within the input file

Running TEUFEL

TEUFEL is designed to make use of clusters of multi-core nodes. The particles are distributed over the nodes (each tracking its own sub-set of particles) while the particle coordinates are communicated between the nodes after every tracking step using the message passing interface (OpenMPI).

After the tracking every node computes the observed fields from its own set of particles. This is the most time-consuming step of the computation. It is addidionally parallelized using the shared-memory model Open-MP. This way all CPU's available on one node can cooperate to compute the fields. Only a single copy of the fields (which can be very large) needs to be held in memory. After every node has computed the fields from its own particles the total fields are gethered onto the master node (using MPI) and written to file.

As an example, when running a problem on an 8-core workstation where the fields (and necessary communication buffers) fit into the memory twice, one would start TEUFEL with 2 nodes each using 4 CPU's

mpirun -n 2 --cpus-per-rank 4 --oversubscribe ./build/teufel input.xml

On a cluster one would have to submit a batch job with te according information.

Build and Installation

We are using the cmake build system to allow an easy build on a variety of platforms. Here we describe a typical out-of-source build. When cmake ist installed it usually defines a variable CMAKE_MODULE_PATH which set the directories where cmake tries to find its module definitions. TEUFEL adds (in CMakeLists.txt) it directory teufel/lib to this search path. This way some custom FindXXX.cmake files can be found.

First one should obtain the sources by cloning the repository from Github.

git clone http://github.com/lehnertu/teufel.git
cd teufel

A few libraries are required to build the TEUFEL executable.

  • For implementing parallel execution on multi-core hardware we use the OpenMPI message paasing interface. It should be installed from the system distribution. Other MPI implementations may work as well and may even be found by cmake but are not tested. For development currently OpenMPI-1.8 ist used.

  • To simplify building TEUFEL version 3.4 of the the SDDS toolkit is contained in the repository.

  • On most systems the HDF5 library can be installed from the distribution repositories. It is necessary to set an environment variable for the library to be found by the build system

    export HDF5_ROOT=_path_to_library

  • For linear algebra calculations we use the Eigen3 library. It should preferably be installed through the systems package management system. In case this is not possible (i.e. no root access) it can be used from the git repository.

    cd lib/

    git clone https://gitlab.com/libeigen/eigen.git

    No build process is required for this library.

    A cmake script is provided which will find the library in either case.

  • We use PugiXML to parse the XML input files for TEUFEL. On most systems this can be installed from the distribution repositories. For Linux-X86 systems we provide part of the library in teufel/lib/pugixml. The file teufel/lib/FindPUGIXML.cmake is provided for cmake to find the library. One has to set an environment variable pointing to the installation directory (if in teufel/lib or any other less common installation position - typical Linux installation positions are found without this hint) for the library to be found.

    export PUGIXML_ROOT=_path_to_library

  • We use muParser to provide an inline scientific calculator that allows calculations to be performed inside the XML input file. If it is not installed on your system it should be cloned an built under teufel/lib/muparser/.

    cd lib
    git clone https://github.com/beltoforion/muparser.git
    cd muparser/
    mkdir build
    cd build/
    cmake ..

    In both cases the script teufel/lib/FindMUPARSER.cmake will find and include the library.

Then we create a build directory in the downloaded source directory.

mkdir build
cd build

Then we build the makefile from CMakeLists.txt contained in the root directory.

cmake ..

One can check the libraries and tools found and change the make options. This can be usefull if it is desired to build the documentation by default or to skip the build of the test executables (enabled by default).

ccmake ..

After that


creates the executable in the build directory.


We aim at fully documenting the code for easy reuse and maintenance. The documentation can be built using doxygen.

make docs

The documentation can then be accessed with a browser starting from doc/html/index.html.


A number of test cases is provided which serve both for code benchmarking against known results and as coding examples. All tests are built by default in the build directory. For running all the checks in sequence, right away from the build directory, a script is provided in the main folder:


  • teufel.integrate_field.cpp : Test case for handling of Bunch::integrateFieldTrace()
  • teufel.bunch.cpp : test case for handling of particle bunches
  • teufel.magnet.cpp : circular trajectory of an electron in a homogeneous dipole magnet
  • teufel.undulator.cpp : Undulator test case
  • teufel.loop.cpp : field generated by an electron in circular motion at the center of the trajectory
  • teufel.EcrossB.cpp : straight trajectory in crossed electric and magnetic fields
  • teufel.electrostatic.cpp : Electrostatic test case
  • teufel.RadPush.cpp : Radiation push of a free electron
  • teufel.DiffractionScreen.cpp : fields of a free electron recorded on an annular diffraction screen
  • examples/undulator_matching.xml
  • examples/elbe-u300.xml
  • reflection : propagation of CDR reflected from an annular diffraction screen to an observation screen

To check for memory leaks the tool Valgrind is recommended.

valgrind --tool=memcheck tests/teufel.xxx

For some testcases and examples python scripts for visualizing the data are provided in the scrips/ directory. For reading HDF5 files these scripts use the h5py library which can be installed from the "python-h5py" package on most Linux systems.

Known Issues

  • OpenMPI leaks memory (nothing we can do about it)
  • parseBeam leaks memory
  • masterBeam->WriteWatchPointHDF5 leaks memory


THz Emission from Undulators and Free-Electron Lasers

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:C++ 37.9%Language:Jupyter Notebook 31.0%Language:C 22.6%Language:Python 7.0%Language:CMake 1.3%Language:Shell 0.2%Language:Makefile 0.0%