I am going to build this list for my own needs. Feel free to submit PR with new services/tools.
How to read this list. Each section (header) represent input data i.e. data you have already. Each subsection (list item) represents type of data you can get. Each URL represents the page to enter input data.
- phone-number:
- https://twitter.com/account/begin_password_reset
- https://www.facebook.com/login/identify/
- https://www.paypal.com/authflow/password-recovery/
- https://vk.com/restore
- https://iforgot.apple.com/password/verify/appleid
- https://account.live.com/ResetPassword.aspx
- https://signin.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?SignIn "Continue", then "Need help signing in?"
- linkedin-account:
- https://outlook.live.com/ create new contact then go to "linkedin" tab
- email:
- username:
- telegram-account:
- Telegram -> Contacts -> Add contact by phone
- ???:
- https://www.instagram.com/accounts/password/reset/
- https://signin.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?SignIn "Continue", then "Need help signing in?"
- my.mail.ru-account:
- my.mail.ru-account:
- vk-account-extra-data:
- https://vk.com/foaf.php?id=VKONTAKTE-ID (date of account created, date of last login, optional bio and social links)
- vk-account-history:
- my.mail.ru-account:
- https://my.mail.ru/gmail/GMAIL-USERNAME (without "@gmail.com")
- phone-number,email:
- vk-account,odnoklassniki-account,clubhouse-account,tiktok-account:
- vk-account:
- web-document:
- telegram-groups,username,username-history:
- registration-date:
- streetview:
- social-network-photos:
- building-details,building-photo,building-historical-photo:
- results-on-map,results-as-data:
- location: