lorenzodb1 / scheduling-solver

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



[ ] - optional group
( ) - non-optional group
| - OR
:= - defined as

[x] ID := $<String>
[x] NODESET := {<NODE> (, <NODE>)*}
[x] LET := LET <ID> = (<NODE>|<NODESET>)
[x] MONTH := January|February|March|April|May|June|July|August|September|October|November|December|Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sept|Oct|Nov|Dec|january|february|march|april|may|june|july|august|september|october|november|december|jan|feb|mar|apr|jun|jul|aug|sept|oct|nov|dec|
[x] DATE := <MONTH> <Num>[st|th] | <Num>[st|th] OF <MONTH>
[x] DAY := Monday|Tuesday|Wednesday|Thursday|Friday|Saturday|Sunday|Mon|Tues|Wed|Thur|Fri|Sat|Sun
[x] DURATION := <Num> (hours|minutes)
[x] TIME := <Num>[ ][AM|PM|am|pm]
[x] (written, not tested) GUEST := <Any Valid Email>
[x] LOCATION := <Any Valid Address>

Notes From TA

  • Criteria for assesment: abstraction
  • need to add variables and/or control flow
  • Ideas from TA
    • (variables) Guests -> x -> asdaf@adfa.com, asdfasd@bbbb.com, ...
    • Segregate events so that guests can't see each other?

Notes for Video

  • include "Rational Reconstruction": comparison of making a schedule in google calendar/outlook/etc. vs doing it in our language
  • show off cool features:
    • variables
    • for loops
    • variable scoping within for loops,
    • several layer deep nesting of FOR loops
    • ability to add on optional extras to SCHEDULE in any order
    • several ways to setup complex calendars, can use multiple ON statements in given schedule call,
      • Can specify multiple ranges on SCHEDULE, ex: SCHEDULE dinner AT 5pm ON EVERY Sunday AND Monday UNTIL December 1st ON Tuesday UNTIL December 4th
      • Can use nested FOR loops to generate multiple SCHEDULE statements
  • reflect on what was learned from initial user study
    • users actually wanted a less flowing, more structured language, made it easier to guess what to do
    • wanted to be able to schedule multiple events
  • final user study
    • need to do!!! and need to include in video
    • ask user to create a calendar with specific events with ranges, various dates, etc.
    • ask whomever, need to get people to use the language.
    • take quantifiable notes
      • number of mistakes user made
      • speed for user to make a given calendar in our language vs google calendar
      • how helpful were error messages to the user?



Language:Kotlin 100.0%