loreberti89 / basic_dapp

First test of DAPP on ethereum and solidity with Truffle

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First test of DAPP on ethereum and solidity with Truffle

How install

Clone repo:

git clone https://github.com/loreberti89/basic_dapp.git

How start:

First You have to install truffle. Truffle is a development framework for ethereum.

You can see the doc at the official site: http://truffleframework.com/

And see the repo at: https://github.com/trufflesuite/truffle

You can install truffle with npm but require NodeJS 5.0+. Works on Linux, macOS, or Windows.:

npm install -g truffle

Once time installed truffle I have to install a ethereum client. I use, for convenience, Ganache, that you can find and install from the truffle site:


Once time download Ganache, you have to start it. If you have a Linux You can download AppImage and exec with


"Ganache is a personal Ethereum blockchain which you can use to run tests, execute commands, and inspect state while controlling how the chain operates."

When you start ganache you have to see the rpc server, default is: HTTP://

Now You have to configure your truffle.js.

My configuration for truffle is:

module.exports = {
  networks: {
    development: {
      host: "",
      port: 7545,
      network_id: "*" // Match any network id

Where host: and port 7545 is Ganache configuration.

Now You can Compile and Migrate your contracts. (See the truffle doc.)

For do this you can do:

truffle compile

truffle truffle migrate --reset

Now the Smart Contract is deployed on your Ethereum blockchain on Ganache and you can see the ethereum amount of first ganache wallet that is decreased

Interface with web App

For interface your contract with webApp, You have to use Web3.js

For Doc: https://github.com/ethereum/web3.js/

I have included it in index.html all the js library with cdn so You can avoid to install for now.

I have used jquery for this base app, but you can try to use new framework Drizzle, that you can find on truffle page.

Drizzle is a new framework base on Redux store that help you with contract interface. http://truffleframework.com/docs/drizzle/getting-started

In index.js you have to configure with your ganache configuration and your contract:

web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider("http://localhost:7545"));
abi = JSON.parse('......');

The abi can be retrieve from migration build/contracs/CryptoUser.json.

You have to put all json in one row.

I use this tool https://www.freeformatter.com/json-formatter.html.

Copy entire abi property in json and put in one row then copy on


Now you have to find contract address for create and Instance:

contractInstance = UserCrypto.at('....');

You find in CryptoUser.json

"networks": {
    "5777": {
      "events": {},
      "links": {},
      "address": "0x345ca3e014aaf5dca488057592ee47305d9b3e10"

you can copy the address property an pase on contractInstance.

In index.js I have created an variable for convenience:

address = web3.eth.accounts[1];

That is the address (on ganache) that will interface with contract deployed so you can change this value.


Usally when you migrate your contract, ganache use the first contract, so the owner of contract will be: web3.eth.accounts[0];


I say this to you because I implemented one function that only owner of contract can call : withdraw()

Now, if the operation is all complete and correct you can use the web interface for use your first DAPP.

For use:

  1. Set a web3.eth.accounts[1];
  2. go in web interface
  3. create new user with Name and Nick and the jquery assign a identity to user starting to $.now();
  4. you have created your first transaction and it return event that write the data on frontende
  5. try to change nickname 2/3 times, (it is a payable function so it will get the ethereum for the operation) that will drecrease the amout of web3.eth.accounts[1].
  6. Set the address to web3.eth.accounts[0] (or owner of contract), Open new tab and open index.html, so try to click on withdraw and if operation succesful you can see that the web3.eth.accounts[0] increase his amount.


First test of DAPP on ethereum and solidity with Truffle


Language:JavaScript 74.5%Language:HTML 25.5%