loreanvictor / rxdeep-local

Locally persistent reactive states

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Reactive states that persist on localStorage and are shared between different tabs/windows, based on RxDeep and RxJS. Store deep nested objects, persist select parts of a state-tree, modify/listen to changes on any node in the state-tree in a fast and precise manner.

Example Usage

▷ Create state object:

import { local } from 'rxdeep-local';
import { state } from 'rxdeep';

const s = local(state(42), 's');

s.value = 43; // --> updates local storage, informs other tabs/windows of the change.


The local state will not start picking/storing values from/to localStorage unless it is somehow subscribed to (either itself or one of its sub-states). It is always a good idea to call .subscribe() and manage that subscription.

▷ You can also use the class constructor instead of the shorthand function:

import { LocalState } from 'rxdeep-local';

const s = new LocalState(state(42), 's');

▷ Nested complex values are also possible:

const s = local(state({ x: 2, y: [{ z: 4 }, {z : 5}, {z : 6}]}, 's');

▷ You can also just persist part of another state tree:

const s = state({ x: 2, y: [{ z: 4 }, {z : 5}, {z : 6}]});
const l = local(s.sub('x'), 's.x');

▷ As per any RxDeep state, you can listen to and/or modify parts of a deep nested state:

const s = local(state({ x: 2, y: [{ z: 4 }, {z : 5}, {z : 6}]}, 's');

s.sub('y').sub(2).sub('z').subscribe(console.log);     // --> logs 5
s.sub('x').value = 3;                                  // --> updates the state, 
                                                       // ... rewriting on localStorage 
                                                       // ... and notifying other tabs

👉 Read RxDeep documentation for more info.

UI Frameworks

Like RxDeep, RxDeep-Local is framework agnostic and similarly integrates nicely with common UI frameworks. You can use it in any context that you can use RxJS:

Use with React

Use with Angular

Use with Vue.js

👉 Learn more.


Since serialization can be expensive, it is debounced by default by 100ms so that you can more comfortably bind states to UI events without performance drops.

You can customize that behavior. You can for example throttle instead of debounce, picking the last value:

import { local } from 'rxdeep-local';
import { state } from 'rxdeep';
import { auditTime } from 'rxjs/operators';

const l = local(state(42), 's', auditTime(300));

Serialization / Encoding

By default, JSON.parse() and JSON.stringify() are used for serialization/deserialization (or encoding/decoding). You can provide custom encoders for that purpose:

// my-encoder.ts
import { of } from 'rxjs';
import { Encoder } from 'rxdeep-local';

export class MyEncoder<T> implements Encoder<T> {
  encode(t: T | undefined) {
    return of(<encoded-string>);

  decode(s: string | undefined | null) {
    return of(<decoded-object>);
import { persistent, state } from 'rxdeep';
import { storage } from 'rxdeep-local';

import { MyEncoder } from './my-encoder';

const l = persistent(state(42), storage('<local-storage-key>', new MyEncoder<number>()));

Your custom encoder can be asynchronous in encoding/decoding. Encoding can be done in streaming mode, i.e. your encoder can generate the encoded string in subsequent segments and emit each segment instead of emitting it all at once. It however does need to complete to singal the process being finished.

Decoding can be iterative. Any value emitted by the decoder will be propagated in the state-tree, allowing for iterative refinement / completion of a state object.


Locally persistent reactive states

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 100.0%