lordpretzel / xwidgets-reuse

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

License: GPL 3 Build Status MELPA Stable MELPA


Enables convenient reuse of xwidgets sessions for multiple purposes (less resource consumption). Since we may want multiple key bindings deepening on the purpose, e.g., viewing articles in elfeed, the package maintains a list of minor modes that will be deactivated when a session is reused for a different purpose.


  • call xwidgets-reuse-xwidget-reuse-browse-url(URL &optional use-minor-mode) to browse a URL in xwidgets reusing an existing session if it exists. If use-minor-mode is given, it should be a minor mode that is activated in the xwidgets buffer (presumably binding keys for the specific purpose).
  • xwidgets-reuse-register-minor-mode(minor-mode) - Registers minor mode minor-mode with xwidgets-reuse. This minor mode will automatically be turned off when another minor mode from xwidgets-reuse--xwidgets-specialization-minor-modes is used through ‘xwidgets-reuse-xwidget-reuse-browse-url’.


As an example, this is how you can setup elfeed to use xwidgets to view feeds. Using the minor mode lordpretzel-elfeed-xwidgets-mode, pressing q in the xwidget window returns to the elfeed search window. Note how this minor mode is registered with xwidget-reuse to ensure that it will be turned off if the xwidget session is reused for a different purpose.

(define-minor-mode lordpretzel-elfeed-xwidgets-mode
  "Minor mode for setting up keys when viewing elfeed entry in xwidgets."
  :init-value nil
  :lighter "elfeed-browsing"
  `((,(kbd "q")
     . lordpretzel/elfeed-search-window-only))
  :global nil)

;; register minor mode with xwidgets-reuse to turn it on or off
(xwidgets-reuse-register-minor-mode 'lordpretzel-elfeed-xwidgets-mode)

(defun lordpretzel/elfeed-search-window-only ()
  "Show only the search window of elfeed."
  (switch-to-buffer (elfeed-search-buffer))

(defun lordpretzel/elfeed-open-entry-in-xwidgets
    (elfeed-search-selected :ignore-region)))
  (require 'elfeed-show)
      (elfeed-entry-p entry)
    (elfeed-untag entry 'unread)
    (elfeed-search-update-entry entry)
          (elfeed-entry-link entry)))
      (when link
          (setq newwindow
          (select-window newwindow)
          (lordpretzel/elfeed-xwidget-reuse-browse-url link)
          (select-window window))))))

(define-key elfeed-mode-map (kbd "<RET>") lordpretzel/elfeed-open-entry-in-xwidgets)



xwidgets-webkit is available from MELPA (both stable and unstable). Assuming your package-archives lists MELPA, just type

M-x package-install RET xwidgets-reuse RET

to install it.


Using use-package with quelpa.

  :quelpa ((xwidgets-reuse
    :fetcher github
    :repo "lordpretzel/xwidgets-reuse")
  :upgrade t)


Using use-package with straight.el

(use-package xwidgets-reuse
  :straight (xwidgets-reuse :type git :host github :repo "lordpretzel/xwidgets-reuse"))


Alternatively, install from source. First, clone the source code:

git clone https://github.com/lordpretzel/xwidgets-reuse.git

Now, from Emacs execute:

M-x package-install-file RET MY-PATH/xwidgets-reuse

Alternatively to the second step, add this to your Symbol’s value as variable is void: .emacs file:

(add-to-list 'load-path "MY-PATH/xwidgets-reuse")
(require 'xwidgets-reuse)


License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Emacs Lisp 100.0%