lordfolken / Landewiese-to-XCSoar-Waypoints

Landewiesen to XCSoar Waipoints and Waypoint details

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Landewiesen to XCSoar Waipoints and Waypoint details

Exctract CUPX from Landewise zip-file(s) and format to consistent CUP and XCSoar Waypoint Details, (Chapter 14.5) file, including the corresponding images.


  1. Requires Python 3.10 or higher
  2. Clone project: git clone https://github.com/ubx/Landewiese-to-XCSoar-Waypoints
  3. Download zip-file(s), in CPUX format from here. You need an account.
  4. Copy zip-file(s) to data/ folder
  5. Run python convert [<name>]. Default name is landewisen
  6. In the output/ folder you will find <name>.cup, <name>_details.txt and images in pics/
  7. Copy the above files into the XCSoar folder, dependent on your os and version:
    • for Android: Android/data/org.xcsoar/files
    • for Linux: .xcsoar
    • for Kobo: /mnt/onboard/XCSoarData
    • for Windows: ?
  8. In XCSoar: Config -> System -> Site File, select More Waypoints (or Watched Waypoints): <name>.cup Waypoint details: <name>_details.txt

Note on Binwalk

Installing binwalk seems to have problems, see ReFirmLabs/binwalk#352

Install on Linux

git clone https://github.com/ReFirmLabs/binwalk.git
cd binwalk
sudo python setup.py install

Install on Windows

git clone https://github.com/CypherpunkSamurai/binwalk-win.git 
cd .\binwalk-win\
C:\Users\904906\PycharmProjects\Landewiese-to-XCSoar-Waypoints\venv\Scripts\python.exe  setup.py install

Be sure the Windows path contains jar.exe (e.g. C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-19\bin) and unzip.exe (e.g. download from here https://www.somacon.com/p161.php)


Landewiesen to XCSoar Waipoints and Waypoint details


Language:Python 100.0%