lordbender / COP6616

Coursework related to Parallel Computing - MPI, RMI and GPU Programming Coursework related to Parallel Computing - MPI, RMI and GPU Programming

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Fall 2018

Parallel Computing

COP 6616

[REFERENCE TEXT ONLINE:] (http://srmcse.weebly.com/uploads/8/9/0/9/8909020/introduction_to_parallel_computing_second_edition-ananth_grama.pdf)

[REFERENCE:] (http://www.math-cs.gordon.edu/courses/cps343/syllabus/syllabus.pdf)

Class INformation

Prerequisite: COP5615 and COT5405, or equivalent. In this course, topics covered include: parallel models and hardware architectures (shared-memory, message-passing, threads); basic communication operations; concurrency and synchronization techniques; parallel algorithms analysis and design; problem partitioning and mapping; parallel programming paradigms and environments; cluster-based computing; performance and scalability issues; parallel simulations; new trends in parallel computing.


Coursework related to Parallel Computing - MPI, RMI and GPU Programming Coursework related to Parallel Computing - MPI, RMI and GPU Programming


Language:C 34.3%Language:Java 33.8%Language:Go 15.3%Language:C++ 6.4%Language:Cuda 4.6%Language:JavaScript 3.9%Language:Shell 1.7%