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Deploy Prometheus + Alertmanager + Grafana stack to monitor server using Ansible

I. Requirements

  1. Deploy Prometheus-Grafana-Alertmanager stack and Angular-Springboot web application
    • Using docker, docker-compose, ansible to deploy
  2. Define alert rules to monitoring target hosts
  3. Configure Alertmanager to push alert to Telegram, Slack, Mail...
  4. Create Grafana dashboards to monitoring target hosts

II. System Architecture

1. Overview

  • 2 machines on AWS to deploy web application.
  • 1 machine on VMWare to deploy monitoring system.
  • Using Ansible to deploy web app, monitoring system, package... on 3 above machines.

2. Monitor machine

I will create a monitor machine on Vmware Workstation 17 Player (Ubuntu 20.04), then I deploy Prometheus-Grafana-Alertmanager stack using docker, docker-compose and Ansible on this machine

3. Worker machines

I will create 2 EC2 instances (Ubuntu 20.04) on AWS for worker nodes

  • Worker1 for deploy web application and Node exporter

    • Web app: http://[worker1-AWS-EC2-Public-IPv4-DNS]:4200/#
    • Node exporter: http://[worker1-AWS-EC2-Public-IPv4-DNS]:9100
  • Worker2 for only Node exporter

    • Node exporter: http://[worker2-AWS-EC2-Public-IPv4-DNS]:9100

I use Ansible to deploy web app and node exporter on 2 ec2 worker. Because I will need to get the node_exporter metrics from port 9100, so I need to change the Inbound rules of security group to allow access our EC2 instances in port 9100.

4. Diagram

Deployment diagram.

III. Deploy result

1. Run ansible-playbook to set up monitor and worker machines

  • Run successfully

Result after run ansible-playbook
  • Check image on Dockerhub

Backend image and Frontend image were pushed to Dockerhub
  • Test Webapp deployment on AWS EC2

Web app is hosted at http://[worker1-AWS-EC2-Public-IPv4-DNS]:4200/#
In this case web app is hosted at http://ec2-13-215-157-152.ap-southeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com:4200/#
  • Check Prometheus targets

All targets are upped
  • Add Prometheus data source in Grafana

Assign data source in Grafana
  • Grafana dashboards
Monitor machine dashboard
Worker1 dashboard
Worker2 dashboard

2. Alertmanager send alerts to Telegram, Slack, Gmail

  • When two worker have disconnected, status at Prometheus targets is Down
Workers are downed
  • Alerts ares pushed to Alertmanager from Prometheus
Alerts about PrometheusTargetsMissing
  • Alerts are sent to Telegram
  • Alerts are sent to Slack
  • Alerts are send to Gmail

IV. Software version

Software Version
Ansible 2.12.10
Docker 26.0.0
Docker Compose 1.25.0
VMware Workstation Player 17



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