longfay / date-time-picker

Angular Date Time Picker (Responsive Design)

Home Page:https://danielykpan.github.io/date-time-picker

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Angular Date Time Picker

Angular date time picker - Angular reusable UI component This package supports Angular 4

Breaking Changes

  • This picker is complete changed in version 5.
  • This picker now is no longer as a directive added into a text input. Instead, it is a stand along component that includes a text input and a dropdown calendar-time picker. You could see more details down below.
  • This picker now does not use MomentJS. Instead, it is using date-fns. Here is why.

Latest Update

I am working on a way that the picker would add dynamically. In this way, the picker component would not have the input element and users could use their own input template (such as Angular Material, issue#161). In the next major update, the picker would use Javascript Intl to have better internationalization support.


Simple Angular date time picker. Online demo is here. This picker is responsive design, so feel free to try it in your desktops, tablets and mobile devices. This picker uses date-fns.

How to Use

  1. Install with npm:npm install ng-pick-datetime --save
  2. Add <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/node_modules/ng-pick-datetime/assets/style/picker.min.css" /> in your index.html.
  3. Add DateTimePickerModule import to your @NgModule like example below
   import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
   import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
   import { MyTestApp } from './my-test-app';

   import { DateTimePickerModule } from 'ng-pick-datetime';

       imports:      [ BrowserModule, DateTimePickerModule ],
       declarations: [ MyTestApp ],
       bootstrap:    [ MyTestApp ]
   export class MyTestAppModule {}
  1. If you are using systemjs package loader add the following ng-pick-datetime properties to the System.config:
  (function (global) {
          paths: {
              'npm:': 'node_modules/'
          map: {
              // Other components are here...

              'ng-pick-datetime': 'npm:ng-pick-datetime',
          packages: {
              // Other components are here...

            // the picker
              'ng-pick-datetime': {
                  main: 'picker.bundle.js',
                  defaultExtension: 'js'
  1. Add picker component to your component: <owl-date-time [(ngModel)]="moment" ></owl-date-time>


This picker uses angular animations to improve the user experience, starting with Angular 4 animations have their own module so you need to import BrowserAnimationsModule to your application. If you prefer to disable animation effect, use NoopAnimationsModule instead.

npm install @angular/animations --save

    import {BrowserModule} from '@angular/platform-browser';
    import {BrowserAnimationsModule} from '@angular/platform-browser/animations';
        imports: [
    export class YourAppModule { }


Name Type Required Default Description
autoClose boolean Optional false When specified, the calendar would be close when selected a date
dataType string Optional 'date' Type of the value to write back to ngModel. Default type is Javascript Date object. You could change it as string type
defaultMoment Date / string Optional null Set the calendar's default month and year and timer picker's default value if the field is blank.
dateFormat string Optional YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm Format of the date. You could find more in this.
disabled boolean Optional false When specified, disables the component.
disabledDates Array-Date[] Optional null Array with dates that should be disabled (not selectable).
disabledDays Array-number[] Optional null Array with weekday numbers that should be disabled (not selectable). Start from 0(Sunday) to 6(Saturday).
hideClearButton boolean Optional false When specified to true, the picker's input clear icon would be hidden.
hourFormat string Optional '24' Specify the hour format, valid values are '12' and '24'.
inline boolean Optional false When enabled, displays the picker as inline. Default is false for popup mode.
inputId string Optional null Identifier of the focus input to match a label defined for the component.
inputStyle Object Optional null Inline style of the picker text input.
inputStyleClass string Optional null Style class of the picker text input.
locale Object Optional null An object having regional configuration properties for the dateTimePicker. You could learn more in below.
maxDateCount number Optional null Maximum number of selectable dates in multiple mode.
max Date / string Optional null Set the maximum date/time that is selectable.
min Date / string Optional null Set the minimum date/time that is selectable.
placeHolder string Optional 'yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm' Placeholder text for the input.
readonlyInput boolean Optional true When specified to false, allows to enter the date manually with keyboard.
required boolean Optional false When present, it specifies that an input field must be filled out before submitting the form.
showButtons boolean Optional false When specified, the picker would have a confirm button and close button.
selectionMode string Optional 'single' Defines the quantity of the selection, valid values are "single", "multiple" and "range".
showHeader boolean Optional false Defines whether to show the picker dialog header.
showOtherMonths boolean Optional true When it is set to false, it would only show current month's days in calendar.
showSecondsTimer boolean Optional false Defines whether to show a timer to control time's second value.
style Object Optional null Inline style of the whole component.
styleClass string Optional null Style class of the whole component.
tabIndex number Optional null Index of the element in tabbing order.
type string Optional 'both' Specify the type of the date-time picker, valid value are 'both', 'calendar' and 'timer'.


Events Parameter Description
onBlur event: Blur event Callback to invoke on blur of input field
onFocus event: Focus event Callback to invoke on focus of input field.
onInvalid originalEvent: event, value: invalid date-time value Callback to invoke when a invalid date-time value is selected.
onSelect event: event, value: selected date-time value Callback to invoke when a picker's date-time value is changed.
onConfirm originalEvent: event, value: selected date-time value Callback to invoke when a confirm button is clicked.
onClear originalEvent: event, value: null Callback to invoke when a clear button is clicked.
onClose event: event Callback to invoke when picker dialog is closed.


Following is the list of structural style classes.

Name Element
owl-dateTime Wrapper of the whole element
owl-dateTime-input Input element
owl-dateTime-dialog Wrapper of the dropdown dialog


Default date format is 'YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm', to customize this use dateFormat property. Following options can be a part of the format.

  • s - second of the time value (no leading zero 0, 1, ..., 59)
  • ss - second of the time value (two digits 00, 01, ..., 59)
  • m - minute of the time value (no leading zero 0, 1, ..., 59)
  • mm - minute of the time value (two digits 00, 01, ..., 59)
  • h - hour of the time value, 12 hour format (no leading zero 1, 2, ..., 12)
  • hh - hour of the time value, 12 hour format (two digits 01, 02, ..., 12)
  • H - hour of the time value, 24 hour format (no leading zero 0, 1, ..., 23)
  • HH - hour of the time value, 24 hour format (two digits 00, 01, ..., 23)
  • A - meridian of the time value (AM, PM)
  • a - meridian of the time value (am, pm)
  • D - day of the month (no leading zero 1, 2, ..., 31)
  • DD - day of the month (two digits 01, 02, ..., 31)
  • M - month of the year (no leading zero 1, 2, ..., 12)
  • MM - month of the year (two digits 01, 02, ..., 12)
  • MMM - month of the year (Jan, Feb, ..., Dec)
  • MMMM - month of the year (January, February, ..., December)
  • YYYY - year(2015, 2016, 2017 ...)

Your could learn more about this from here.


Localization for different languages and formats is defined by binding the locale settings object to the locale property. Following is the default values for English.

<owl-date-time [(ngModel)]="dateValue" [locale]="en"></owl-date-time>
export class MyModel {
    en: any;
    ngOnInit() {
        this.en = {
            firstDayOfWeek: 0,
            dayNames: ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday","Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"],
            dayNamesShort: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"],
            monthNames: [ "January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December" ],
            monthNamesShort: [ "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun","Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" ]

If you want the formatted date time to be localized as well, you need to npm install date-fns.

<owl-date-time [(ngModel)]="dateValue" [locale]="es"></owl-date-time>
export class MyModel {
    es: any;
    esLocale = require('date-fns/locale/es')
    ngOnInit() {
        this.es = {
			 firstDayOfWeek: 1,
		     dayNames:["domingo","lunes","martes","miércoles","jueves","viernes","sábado" ],
		     dayNamesShort: [ "dom","lun","mar","mié","jue","vie","sáb" ],
		     monthNames: [ "enero","febrero","marzo","abril","mayo","junio","julio","agosto","septiembre","octubre","noviembre","diciembre" ],
		     monthNamesShort: [ "ene","feb","mar","abr","may","jun","jul","ago","sep","oct","nov","dic" ],
		     dateFns: esLocale




The picker now separate its styles into ./node_modules/ng-pick-datetime/assets/style/picker.min.css. You could inspect the picker's classes from your browser's dev tool and overwrite them in your project's css files.


Online demo is here


  • License: MIT


Daniel YK Pan


Angular Date Time Picker (Responsive Design)


License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 52.2%Language:JavaScript 21.3%Language:CSS 17.2%Language:HTML 9.4%