longde123 / BitEcs

BitEcs - Lightweight C# Entity Component System framework

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BitEcs - Lightweight C# Entity Component System framework

Ergonomic, performant, zero/small memory allocations/footprint, no dependencies on any game engine - main goals of this project.

Important! Don't forget to use DEBUG builds for development and RELEASE builds in production: all internal error checks / exception throwing works only in DEBUG builds and eleminated for performance reasons in RELEASE.

Important! BitEcs API is not thread safe and will never be! If you need multithread-processing - you should implement it on your side as part of ecs-system.



Container for all your data.

// Creates a new world.
EcsWorld world = new EcsWorld();

// Creates a new named world.
EcsWorld world = new EcsWorld("Name");

// Destroys a world;


Сontainer for components. Implemented as int:

// Creates new entity in world context.
EcsEntity entity = _world.Spawn();

// Any entity can be destroyed. 
// All components will be removed first, then entity will be destroyed. 

Important! Entities can't live without components and will be killed automatically after last component removement.


Container for user data without / with small logic inside:

struct Component1
    public int Id;
    public string Name;

Components can be added and removed directly through entities.

// creates entity
EcsEntity entity = world.Spawn();

// adds component to entity.

// uou can also add multiple components at once

// or add a predefined struct as component
entity.Add(new Component4("Value"));

// removing components is just as easy

if you have an EcsEntity in your hand, you can also get components from it.

// get a component from an entity
ref var c1 = ref entity.Get<Component1>();
ref var c2 = ref entity.Get<Component2>();

Important! If you try to get a Component the Entity does not have your game will crash!


Сontainer for logic for processing entities.

class CustomSystem : IEcsSystem
    public void Run(EcsWorld world)
        // Will be called on each EcsSystems.Run() call.

Run systems like so:

// Systems are run on Worlds.
EcsWorld world = new EcsWorld();

// create an instance of the system;
IEcsSystem system = new CustomSystem();

// run the system on a world


to iterate components in your system you can use the ForEach function of EcsWorld

class CustomSystem : IEcsSystem
    public void Run(EcsWorld world)
        // ForEach takes a Function, the components are defined through their Parameters
        world.ForEach((ref Position pos, ref Velocity vel) =>
            pos.Value += vel.Value;

the functions can have a special parameter in case you also need the entity

class CustomSystem : IEcsSystem
    public void Run(EcsWorld world)
        // ForEach takes a Function, the components are defined through their Parameters
        world.ForEach((EcsEntity entity, ref Position pos, ref Velocity vel) =>
            // only apply vel if entity does not have a Paused component
            if (!entity.HasComponent<Paused>())
                pos.Value += vel.Value;


another way to iterate components in you system is using queries.

class CustomSystem : IEcsSystem
    public void Run(EcsWorld world)
        // create a query
        var query = world.Query<Component1>().End();
        // iterate the query
        // query iteration gives you entity ids.
        foreach (int entityId in query)
            // fetch entity from entityId
            var entity = world.Entity(entityId);

            // get component from entity
            ref var c1 = ref world.Entity(entityId).Get<Component1>();

            // you can get any component from this entity, 
            // however only the ones you queried for are definitely present.
            // might crash if component is not present.
            ref var c2 = ref world.Entity(entityId).Get<Component2>(); 

You can put multiple constraints on your queries

// create a query with multiple constraints
var query = world.Query<Component1>().Inc<Component2>().Exc<Component3>().End();

Important: Any query supports any amount of components, include and exclude lists can't intersect and should be unique.


Instance of any custom type can be shared between all systems:

class CustomResource
    public string Path;
// create resource
CustomResource res = new CustomResource { Path = "Items/{0}" };

// add resource to world

// or add resource with default values
using Bitron.Ecs.Resource;

class System : IEcsSystem
    public void Run(EcsWorld world)
        // get resource from world
        CustomResource res = systems.GetResource<CustomResource>(); 
        string path = string.Format(res.Path, 123);
        // path == "Items/123" here.

Important: Resources are unique. If you try to add another instance of a same resource type, the present one will be overwritten by the new one.

Special classes


Container for components. EcsEntity and Queries wrap around these pools for a more ergonomic API, but at a performance cost. If you need more performance, you can optimize your code using pools directly.

int entityId = world.Spawn().GetId();
EcsPool<Component1> pool = world.GetPool<Component1>(); 

// Add() adds component to entity. If component already exists - exception will be raised in DEBUG.
ref Component1 c1 = ref pool.Add(entityId);

// Get() returns exist component on entity. If component does not exists - exception will be raised in DEBUG.
ref Component1 c1 = ref pool.Get(entityId);

// Del() removes component from entity. If it was last component - entity will be removed automatically too.
class CustomSystem : IEcsSystem
    public void Run(EcsWorld world)
        // create a query
        var query = world.Query<Component1>();
        var pool = query.GetPool<Component1>();
        // iterate the query
        // query iteration gives you entity ids.
        foreach (int entityId in query)
            // get components from pool directly
            ref var c1 = ref pool.Get<Component1>(entityId);

Important! After removing component will be pooled and can be reused later. All fields will be reset to default values automatically.


You can group Systems together into an EcsSystemGroup

// create a new system group
EcsSystemGroup systemGroup = new EcsSystemGroup();

// add systems to the group
    .Add(new BirthSystem())
    .Add(new AgeSystem())
    .Add(new DeathSystem())
    .Add(new PhysicsSystem())

// like systems, system groups are run on a world
EcsWorld world = new EcsWorld();

// run all systems in the group

One Frame Systems

Sometimes it is useful to be able add a System that removes all components of a certain type from all entities. Therefore you can

EcsSystemGroup systemGroup = new EcsSystemGroup();

    .Add(new AttackSystem())
    .Add(new DamageSystem())
    .OneFrame<Damage>(); // removes any Damage components from all entities

If you don't use EcsSystemGroup, you still can use a predefined System for this

var system = new RemoveAllComponentsOfType<Damage>();

Custom engine

C#7.3 or above required for this framework.

Code example - each part should be integrated in proper place of engine execution flow.

using Bitron.Ecs;

class Engine
    EcsWorld _world = new EcsWorld();
    EcsSystemGroup _initSystems = new EcsSystemGroup();
    EcsSystemGroup _runSystems = new EcsSystemGroup();
    EcsSystemGroup _destroySystems = new EcsSystemGroup();

    // Initialization of ecs world and systems.
    void Init()
        // add your systems
        _initSystems.Add(new SpawnPlayerSystem());
        _runSystems.Add(new UpdatePlayerSystem()).Add(new PhysicsSystem());
        _destroySytstems.Add(new DespawnPlayerSystem());

        // run init systems

    // Engine update loop.
    void UpdateLoop()

    // Cleanup.
    void Destroy()
        // run destroy systems


The software is released under the terms of the MIT license.

No personal support or any guarantees.


I copy&paste my reset components code again and again. How can I do it in other manner?

If you want to simplify your code and keep reset/init code at one place, you can setup custom handler to process cleanup / initialization for component:

struct MyComponent : IEcsAutoReset<MyComponent>
    public int Id;
    public object LinkToAnotherComponent;

    public void AutoReset(ref MyComponent c)
        c.Id = 2;
        c.LinkToAnotherComponent = null;

This method will be automatically called for brand new component instance and after component removing from entity and before recycling to component pool.

Important: With custom AutoReset behaviour there are no any additional checks for reference-type fields, you should provide correct cleanup/init behaviour without possible memory leaks.


BitEcs - Lightweight C# Entity Component System framework

License:MIT License


Language:C# 100.0%