longdct / recsys

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Recommendation system

Environment setup

Require python=3.9.

Run pip install -r requirements.txt to install dependencies.


This repo implements the matrix factorization technique with gradient descent for optimization on two different datasets, Frappe and TripAdvisor.

  • For TripAdvisor dataset, the target for prediction is the rating of items.
  • For Frappe dataset, as this dataset does not contain any rating for the apps, I use the number of app usage as target with three different variants as follows:
    • Frappe: Predict the number of usage directly.
    • Frappe-binning: Divide the number of usages into 10 bins and predict the bins.
    • Frappe-lognorm: Obtain the frequency of usage by taking log of the number of usages and normalizing into range [1, 5], then predict the frequency.
  • In each dataset, I split 10% to use as the unseen test set and the rest for training.

To search for optimal hyper-parameters, I employ grid-search on training set with cross-validation over a variety combinations with RMSE as scoring metric. Here are the list of hyper-parameters search space:

# K: size of latent
# user_based: Normalize matrix based on users or items
# lr: learning rate for gradient descent
# lam: regularization factor
    "k": [2, 5, 10, 100, 1000],  
    "user_based": [True, False],  
    "lr": [0.1, 0.5, 1.0],
    "lam": [0.0, 0.1, 0.5],

After the best hyper-params combination is found, I refit the model on whole training set and measure RMSE on the unseen test set.

Run experiments

Run this command to perform a hyper-parameters search and refit with best combination

# <dataset> can take one of the following values: [frappe, frappe_binning, frappe_lognorm, tripadvisor]

python run_gridsearch.py --dataset <dataset> --n_jobs -1


Here are the results of best hyper-parameters on unseen test sets. Detailed hyper-parameters search results are found in the results folder.

Dataset Parameters RMSE
TripAdvisor k=5, user_based=True, lr=1.0, lam=0.5 1.0697
Frappe (standard) k=5, user_based=True, lr=1.0, lam=0.5 424.3517
Frappe (binning) k=100, user_based=True, lr=1.0, lam=0.5 2.8048
Frappe (log norm) k=2, user_based=True, lr=0.1, lam=0.1 0.7579



Language:Python 100.0%