londonappbrewery / Clima-Flutter-Location-Refactor-Challenge

Clima Location Refactoring Challenge

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Clima Location Refactoring Challenge

  • Refactor the Clima app's code so that all the logic of getting the current location will be handled by a dedicated Location object.

  • Creating a seperate Location class in the location.dart file.

  • This class needs to have two properties: a latitude and a longitude.

  • The Location class also needs to have a method called getCurrentLocation(). Move the try-catch block with the code where you getCurrentPosition() in the loading_screen to the getCurrentLocation() method.

  • In the loading_screen.dart update getLocation() so that you 1) create a new Location object, 2) you call the getCurrentLocation() method, and 3) you print the values stored inside latitude and longitude.

Hint: Assign the values to your latitude and longitude properties using position.latitude and position.longitude.


Clima Location Refactoring Challenge