loloof64 / chessboard-vue


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Chessboard Vue

A chess board component for Vue JS (>= 3), written in Typescript.


  1. With your package manager, add the 'chessboard-vue' package (e.g bun add chessboard-vue)
  2. In you main.js add the following content :
import ChessboardVueComponent from "chessboard-vue";
import "chessboard-vue/dist/style.css";
  1. Don't forget to use the component (in the same file), e.g :
  .use(ChessboardVueComponent) //add this line
  1. You can use the ChessboardVue component from any template in your project. E.g :



Name Purpose Type Default
size Defines the common width and height of the board, in pixels. number 100
reversed Says if the black side is at bottom of the board. boolean false
background Defines the overall background color of the board. string #124589
coordinatesVisible Says if the coordinates (around the cells) are visible. boolean true
coordinatesColor Defines the text color of the coordinates. string yellow
whiteCellsColor Defines the color of the white cells. string navajowhite
blackCellsColor Defines the color of the black cells. string peru
originCellColor Defines the color of the origin cell when performing a drag and drop for a move. string crimson
targetCellColor Defines the color of the target cell when performing a drag and drop for a move. string ForestGreen
dndCrossCellColor Defines the color of the indicator cross cells when performing a drag and drop for a move. string DimGrey
moveHighlightColor Defines the color of the last move arrow. string CadetBlue
lastMoveVisible Says if the last move arrow must be visible. boolean true
whitePlayerHuman Says if the white side accepts a move from the user, of if it should be handled manually with the playManualMove method. boolean true
blackPlayerHuman Says if the black side accepts a move from the user, of if it should be handled manually with the playManualMove method. boolean true



Starts a new game with the given position in Forsyth-Edwards Notation. If the startPositionFen string is not given, will use the default chess start position.

Field name Purpose Type Default
startPositionFen Defines the position, in Forsth-Edwards Notation, that must be use. string rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1

This method does not return anything.


Stops the current game, even if it has not been stopped logically yet.

This method does not take any parameter, and does not return anything.


Says, if the turn is to white side, as a boolean.

This method does not take any parameter.


Plays a move manually, without user interaction. This method won't have any effect is game is not in progress, or if the side in turn is defined as a human player.

If the parameter inputMove is given a string, it must conform to the Long Algebraic Notation. Otherwise, it can be an object with the following keys : "from" as the start cell string (e.g: "a4"), "to" as the end cell string, and "promotion" still an optional letter which can be one of "q", "r", "b" or "n".

Field name Purpose Type Default
inputMove Defines the move to be applied. string | { from : string ; to : string ; promotion ? : string } Not defined

This method returns if the call succeed, as a boolean.


Says if the game is in progress, as a boolean.

This method does not take any parameter.


Sets the start position of the game in the board, but only if the game is not in progress. It returns a boolean indicated the success of the call.

This method does not take any parameter.

It can be useful in order to define an history component and make it interact with the board. Don't forget to check the event @moveDone below.


Sets the current position of the game in the board, but only if the game is not in progress. It returns a boolean indicated the success of the call.

The type Move is defined in the Chessboard.vue file (so can be imported too), and means the following :

export interface Move {
  start: Cell;
  end: Cell;

where Cell is also defined in the Chessboard.vue file and means the following :

export interface Cell {
  file: number,
  rank: number,

Forsyth-Edwards Notation is explained there.

Field name Purpose Type Default
positionFen Defines the position to be set in Forsyth-Edwards Notation. string Not defined
move Defines the last move arrow to be set values. Move Not defined

It can be useful in order to define an history component and make it interact with the board. Don't forget to check the event @moveDone below.


Returns the current position of the board, in the format Forsyth-Edwards Notation as a string.

This method does not take any parameter.


Sets the last board arrow, it can even be when the game is in progress.

This method does not return anything.

The type Move is defined in the Chessboard.vue file (so can be imported too), and means the following :

export interface Move {
  start: Cell;
  end: Cell;

where Cell is also defined in the Chessboard.vue file and means the following :

export interface Cell {
  file: number,
  rank: number,
Field name Purpose Type Default
move The coordinates of the last move arrow. Move Not defined



Happens when a checkmate has been done on the board.

Given field name Purpose Type
byWhite Says it the checkmate has been administrated by white side. boolean


Happens when a stalemate has been done on the board.

This event does not provide any parameter.


Happens when a three-fold repetition has been done on the board.

This event does not provide any parameter.


Happens when a draw by missing material has been done on the board.

This event does not provide any parameter.


Happens when a draw by the 50 moves rule has been done on the board.

This event does not provide any parameter.


Indicates that the side which is now in turn cannot be updated with an interaction from the user, and that the board is waiting for a manual move to be done (see also the method playManualMove).

This event does not provide any parameter.


Indicates that a move has been done on the board.

SAN is the Standard Algebraic Notation.

FAN is the Figurine Algebraic Notation.

Forsyth-Edwards Notation is explained there.

The type Move is defined in the Chessboard.vue file (so can be imported too), and means the following :

export interface Move {
  start: Cell;
  end: Cell;

where Cell is also defined in the Chessboard.vue file and means the following :

export interface Cell {
  file: number,
  rank: number,
Given field name Purpose Type
moveNumber Says the move number of the given move. number
whiteTurn Says if the given move has been done by white side. boolean
moveSan The SAN notation of the move. string
moveFan The FAN notation of the move. string
resultingPosition The resulting position in Forsyth-Edwards Notation string
move The move definition. Move
promotion The applied promotion (can be undefined). string?

For developers


  1. Install dependencies : e.g with bun bun install
  2. Build : e.g with bun bun run vue-tsc && bun run vite build


Pieces vectors definitions from CBurnett and found on Wikimedia commons.

Svg cross has been downloaded from Svg repo

Using ChessJS library, which is bundled in the produced script.



License:MIT License


Language:Vue 80.9%Language:TypeScript 16.9%Language:CSS 1.7%Language:HTML 0.5%