loicland / 3d-academic-benchmarks

A repository for compiling the performances of all published papers and preprint on 3D academic datasets

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This is a repository for compiling the performances of all computer vision / machine learning / reote sensing papers, published or preprints. This page doubles as a community-sourced bibliography.

There are so many papers on the subject these days that it can be hard to keep track. So help me out! Add missing papers/banchmarks or correct mistakes through pull requests.


OA : overall

mAcc : mean interclass accuracy

mIoU : mean interclass accuracy

WS : workshops

By default algorithms are sorted by decreasing mIoU.



6-fold cross validation

Shorthand Reference Paper Published Code mIoU OA mAcc
SSP + SPG arXiv CVPR2019 pytorch 68.4 87.9 78.3
PointCNN [6] arXiv Neurips2018 tensorflow/pytorch 65.4 88.1 75.6
SPG [5] arXiv CVPR2018 pytorch 62.1 85.5 73.0
Engelmann2018 [4] arXiv ECCV2018 WS - 58.3 84.0 67.8
PointNet++ [3] nips.cc Neurips2017 tensorflow 54.5 81.0 67.1
Engelmann2017 [2] arXiv ICCV2017 WS - 49.7 81.1 66.4
PointNet [1] arXiv CVPR2017 tensorflow 47.6 78.5 66.2


Shorthand Reference Paper Published Code mIoU OA mAcc
SSP + SPG arXiv CVPR2019 pytorch 61.7 87.9 68.2
PCCN thecvf.com CVPR2018 - 58.3 - 67.0
SPG [5] arXiv CVPR2018 pytorch 58.0 86.4 66.5
PointCNN [6] arXiv Neurips2018 tensorflow/pytorch 57.3 85.9 63.9
Engelmann2018 [4] arXiv ECCV2018 WS - 52.2 84.2 61.8
PointNet [1] arXiv CVPR2017 tensorflow 41.1 - 49.0



Shorthand Reference Paper Code Published mIoU OA mAcc



Shorthand Reference Paper Code Published mIoU OA mAcc


Shorthand Reference Paper Code Published mIoU OA mAcc



Shorthand Reference Paper Code Published mIoU OA mAcc


[1] C. R. Qi, H. Su, K. Mo, and L. J. Guibas. Pointnet: Deep learning on point sets for 3d classification and segmentation. In CVPR, 2017

[2] F. Engelmann, T. Kontogianni, A. Hermans, and B. Leibe. Exploring spatial context for 3d semantic segmentation of point clouds. In ICCV Workshops, 2017.

[3] C. R. Qi, L. Yi, H. Su, and L. J. Guibas. PointNet++: Deep hierarchical feature learning on point sets in a metric space. In NIPS, 2017

[4] F. Engelmann, T. Kontogianni, J. Schult, and B. Leibe. Know what your neighbors do: 3d semantic segmentation of point clouds. In GMDL Workshop, ECCV, 2018.

[5] L. Landrieu and M. Simonovsky. Large-scale point cloud semantic segmentation with superpoint graphs. In CVPR. IEEE, 2018.

[6] Y. Li, R. Bu, M. Sun, and B. Chen. Pointcnn: Convolution on X-transformed points. In Neurips, 2018.

[7] S. Wang, S. Suo, W.-C. M. A. Pokrovsky, and R. Urtasun. Deep parametric continuous convolutional neural networks. In CVPR, 2018.

[8] M. Jiang and Y. Wu and T. Zhao and Z. Zhao and C. Lu. PointSIFT: A SIFT-like Network Module for 3D Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation. arXiv, 2018.


A repository for compiling the performances of all published papers and preprint on 3D academic datasets