loganpowell / gc-mono-api

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Local development setup

In the root directory of the project run the following to install dependencies and then start the local development server:

Install dependencies

npx yarn install

Create database schema locally

We are using Drizzle ORM to manage our database schema and generate migrations as well as keep our database queries clean and reusable.

Drizzle ORM generates schema files based on a diff between the schema file in db/schema.ts and the actual database schema. Generated migration files will be named 000X_random_string.sql and will be placed in the drizzle folder.

You will need to create the database locally by running each migration file in numerical order with the following command:

npx wrangler d1 execute gaza-care-staging --local --file=drizzle/SQL_FILE.sql -e staging

For example, with the current schema files:

npx wrangler d1 execute gaza-care-staging  --file=drizzle/0000_cultured_namorita.sql -e staging
npx wrangler d1 execute gaza-care-staging  --file=drizzle/0001_shocking_komodo.sql -e staging
npx wrangler d1 execute gaza-care-staging  --file=drizzle/0002_balcker_spacker_dave.sql -e staging
npx wrangler d1 execute gaza-care-staging  --file=drizzle/0003_old_boomer.sql -e staging

Start the development server

npx yarn run dev

The server is now running and ready to accept requests on the given port number.

Contributing Guidelines

  • Cut a branch from master of the form ab/short-describe-changes Where ab is your initials or some form of your github identifier.

  • Make your changes

  • Push your branch and create a pull request

<<<<<<< HEAD

  • Once approved, try to merge your PR as soon as possible

Commit Messages

We follow Tim Pope's convention for commit messages:

Capitalized, short (50 chars or less) summary

More detailed explanatory text, if necessary.  Wrap it to about 72
characters or so.  In some contexts, the first line is treated as the
subject of an email and the rest of the text as the body.  The blank
line separating the summary from the body is critical (unless you omit
the body entirely); tools like rebase can get confused if you run the
two together.

Write your commit message in the imperative: "Fix bug" and not "Fixed bug"
or "Fixes bug."  This convention matches up with commit messages generated
by commands like git merge and git revert.

Further paragraphs come after blank lines.

- Bullet points are okay, too

- Typically a hyphen or asterisk is used for the bullet, followed by a
  single space, with blank lines in between, but conventions vary here

- Use a hanging indent

Final line should include Issue number and what the commit does for the

Closes Issue:


Related to Issue:



Add new endpoint to delete a video

- Add new `delete` function in `models/index.js`


Project structure

The project structure is quite basic.

  • Any database queries/logic should go into the models/index.js file.

  • Any server code for new endpoints should go into src/index.ts file

Making Database Schema Changes

If you need to create a new table or add a new column, you can do so by:

  • Updating the db/schema.ts file

  • Running the npx yarn db:schema:generate command

A new migration .sql file will be created in the drizzle folder, which you can then run with the following command:

npx wrangler d1 execute gaza-care-staging --local --file=drizzle/SQL_FILE.sql -e staging

Running queries against your local database

You can run any sql queries to inspect the status of your local database

npx wrangler d1 execute gaza-care-staging --local --command 'SQL COMMAND' -e staging


npx wrangler d1 execute gaza-care-staging --local --command 'select * from users' -e staging

Note: you need to be in the root of the project for these commands to work.

Resetting your local database

If you need to blow away your database and rebuild it, you can delete the .wrangler/state/v3/d1 directory. You will need to re-run all migration files.

Deploying to production

npx yarn deploy



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