logankoester / landscapesforhealing

The static site generator that runs landscapesforhealing.com

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Landscapes for Healing

The static site generator that runs landscapesforhealing.com

This website is powered by the nanoc static site generator and the Zurb Foundation front-end framework.



Quick start

$ git clone git@github.com:logankoester/landscapesforhealing.git
$ cd landscapesforhealing
$ bundle install
$ npm install
$ bower install
$ nanoc compile
$ nanoc view

The website will now be running at http://localhost:3000.


To compile the website, run nanoc compile. To recompile automatically when a file is changed, run guard start.

Adding pages

To add a new page, simply create a Markdown file under content/, with some YAML metadata at the top. The filename will determine the URL.

The title attribute is required.


If your page should be an article (blog entry), set kind: article and created_at: YYYY-MM-DD. This will add it to the Atom feed, set an introductory sidebar panel, and display the created_at date on the page.

You should also set menu: articles, so it appears in the menu.


To add a page to the top navigation, set the attribute menu: top.

To add a page to the sidebar menu ("Further reading"), set menu: articles.

If you set a menu attribute, you may also set a numeric position attribute, relative to the other pages in the menu.


A page can add an optional sidebar panel by including an ERB block with content for :panel.


<% content_for :panel do %>
  <h1>Panel content</h1>
<% end %>

You must use HTML, not Markdown syntax inside the panel content.

Upgrading Zurb Foundation

$ bower update

Bower and RequireJS

Frontend javascript is structured as AMD modules (bundled at compile-time), and external frontend packages are managed by Bower under components/.

A preprocess hook (optimize_rjs) on the nanoc compiler uses the r.js optimizer to bundle all JavaScript into output/js/app.bundle.js, which is excluded from pruning and loaded by the default layout.

A postinstall hook on Bower (see .bowerrc) changes updates the paths in js/config.js so that the optimizer can find the dependencies required by any internal javascript modules (put these under js/ and load them from the main module, js/app.js).

To add a package, just run bower install <name>, add it to the dependency array of the AMD definition where it is needed, and recompile.


$ bundle exec nanoc check --all


Commit your changes and push them to master.

This will trigger a build at http://ci.ldk.io/logankoester/landscapesforhealing/. If the nanoc check --deploy tests pass, the new build will be deployed to landscapesforhealing.com for you.


The production environment runs on Digital Ocean, and the domain is registered through Hover.


All content © 2007-2015 Landscapes For Healing.


The static site generator that runs landscapesforhealing.com


Language:JavaScript 60.6%Language:CSS 38.8%Language:Ruby 0.6%