locus84 / UnlitSocket

fast socket implementation with tcp

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Very Straightforward TCP network framework using SocketAsyncEventArgs.

  1. Message based(max length is ushort.MaxValue).
  2. Reuse sockets on Server. No allocation at all.(except collection resizing at first)
  3. Connection count is up to your machine.(does not pre-allocate SocketAsyncEventArgs)
  4. Message buffers are devided into multiple buffers and cached. You can recycle with ease.
  5. Mirror transport support.(
  6. Receiving/sending messages are ThreadSafe.

Usage Examples


    using UnlitSocket;

Create Server

    public void StartServer()
        var port = 1090;
        var server = new Server();

        //stops accept and disconnect all

Create Client and Connect

    public void StartClient()
        var port = 1090;
        var client = new Client();
        client.Connect("localhost", port);

        //if you want track client connected/failed
        client.Connect("localhost", port).Wait();
        var isConnected = client.Status == ConnectionStatus.Connected;


    public void DisconnectAClinet(Server server, int clientId)

    public void DisconnectFromServer(Client client)

Sending Message

    public void SendMessageToServer(Client client)
        var message = Message.Pop();
        message.WriteString("Hi there");

    public void SendMessageToClient(Server server, int clientId)
        var message = Message.Pop();
        message.WriteString("Hi there");
        server.Send(clientId, message);

    public void SendMessageToMultipleClient(Server server, IList<int> clientIds)
        var message = Message.Pop();
        message.WriteString("Hi there");
        server.Send(clientIds, message);

Handling Events - Method 1

You have to call this every server/client tick.
In Unity3d for example, in Update function. ConnectionId of Client is always 0.

    public void HandleEvents(Peer peer)
        //peer is base class of Server/Client
        Event ev;
        while (peer.TryGetNextEvent(out ev))
            switch (ev.Type)
                case EventType.Connected:
                    Console.WriteLine($"Client {ev.ConnectionId} connected to server");
                case EventType.Data:
                    //received data
                    Console.WriteLine($"Client {ev.ConnectionId} says : {ev.Message.ReadString()}");
                    ev.Message.Release();//this will recycle message
                case EventType.Disconnected:
                    Console.WriteLine($"Client {ev.ConnectionId} disconnected from server");

Handling Events - Method 2

Same as Method 1, but more performant as it dequeues received events at once.

    public void HandleEvents(Peer peer, List<Event> eventCache)
        //peer is base class of Server/Client
        //write messages into this list

        for(int i = 0; i < eventCache.Count; i++)
            var ev = eventCache[i];
            switch (ev.Type)
                case EventType.Connected:
                    Console.WriteLine($"Client {ev.ConnectionId} connected to server");
                case EventType.Data:
                    //received data
                    Console.WriteLine($"Client {ev.ConnectionId} says : {ev.Message.ReadString()}");
                    ev.Message.Release();//this will recycle message
                case EventType.Disconnected:
                    Console.WriteLine($"Client {ev.ConnectionId} disconnected from server");

        //clear for next operation

Handling Events - Method 3

Create a class that Implements IEventHandler.

    public class CustomEventHandler : IEventHandler
        public void OnConnected(int connectionId)
            Console.WriteLine($"Client {connectionId} connected to server");

        public void OnDataReceived(int connectionId, Message msg)
            Console.WriteLine($"Client {connectionId} says : {msg.ReadString()}");

        public void OnDisconnected(int connectionId)
            Console.WriteLine($"Client {connectionId} disconnected from server");

And pass it to the server or client.

    public void SetHandler(Peer serverOrClient)
        serverOrClient.SetHandler(new CustomEventHandler());

When you use your own IMessageHandler, callbacks are invoked in Threadpool thread.
If you throw an exception or blocks this thread, Client associated this callback won't run anymore or can't process further messages.

Log Library Related Messages

Same manner as above, Create a class implements ILogReceiver, and pass it to the server or client.

    public class CustomLogReceiver : ILogReceiver
        public void Debug(string msg)

        public void Exception(Exception exception)

        public void Warning(string msg)

    public void SetLogger(Peer serverOrClient)
        serverOrClient.SetLogger(new CustomLogReceiver());

Using With Mirror

Copy library source files into somewhere in your project.
And copy UnlitSocketTransport.cs inside UnlitSocket_Sample, either.
Remove #if Unity define in UnlitSocketTransport.cs.


On mono windows, All the async(including IAsyncOperation) method does not actually use Completion Port.
They just eat up Thread pool threads, causing application hang.
So if you're using mono backend and requires more than 500ish connections. you better use other solution.
for example, you're building MMORPG server with mono and you want to host it on windows machine. it won't work well. Just run on Linux/Mac and it will be fine.


fast socket implementation with tcp


Language:C# 100.0%