locona / boilerplate-tailwind

A boilerplate repository for Craft CMS, Laravel Mix and Tailwind

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Boilerplate Website

This repository is for the Boilerplate website at [insertdomainhere].

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.

  • The site is built with Craft CMS 4
  • For general configuration settings, see config/general.php
  • See the Craft docs for available config settings


Craft CMS is built on PHP, so it needs a local environment to run it. See Craft's basic requirements here. This project should run in various dev environments, but it assumes Laravel Valet by default. To run this site locally, you will need:

  • Composer 2.x
  • Apache or Nginx
  • PHP 8.1+
  • MySQL 5.7.8+ with InnoDB or MariaDB 10.5+
  • 512MB+ of memory allocated to PHP
  • 200MB+ of free disk space
  • This repository was built using Laravel Valet as a local environment. If you're using Apache instead of nginx, you'll need to download Craft's default .htaccess file and put it in the document root.

Project Config

This Craft website uses Project Config. This has a few implications when there are multiple developers working on the same project.

  1. Whenever you start work on a project, check for changes in the remote branch. If there are, pull these down and run composer install. This will also run the scripts at the bottom of composer.json, which will run Project Config migrations on your local database.
  2. If there are Project Config merge conflicts, it normally just means the dateModifed in project.yaml has changed, but please check you're not deleting files another developer has set up.
  3. Make sure that when you deploy to the server, it runs composer install --no-interaction. This will also run the scripts listed at the bottom of composer.json.

Never overwrite the staging or production database with a local copy. All database structure changes are made locally. Those changes are stored in Project Config, and applied to the staging and production databases on deployment. No database changes are permitted on staging or production sites.


Creating a new site from this Boilerplate

  1. Create a new repository using this one as a template
  2. Duplicate the .env.example file as .env. Update the Database Configuration, change the ENVIRONMENT variable to dev, update the PRIMARY_SITE_URL and BASE_PATH
  3. Enter a CP_TRIGGER. This defaults to control if left blank
  4. Run npm install to install the packages from package.json
  5. Run composer install to install Craft and it's plugins from composer.json
  6. Create an empty database for the site
  7. Run ./craft setup
  8. Optionally, duplicate scripts/.env.sh.example as scripts/.env.sh and update it with the correct paths for your local environment if you want to use Craft Scripts for pulling the database and assets through the command line.
  9. Update the details in package.json

Setting up an existing site based on this Boilerplate

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Duplicate the .env.example file as .env. Update the database connection details and change the ENVIRONMENT variable to dev
  3. Enter a CP_TRIGGER. This defaults to control if left blank
  4. Run npm install to install the packages from package.json
  5. Run composer install to install Craft and it's plugins from composer.json
  6. Generate a new APP_ID for .env by running ./craft setup/app-id
  7. Copy the SECURITY_KEY from the server and update it in the .env file.
  8. Duplicate scripts/.env.sh.example as scripts/.env.sh and update it with the correct paths for your local environment, and the server details
  9. If this site is already in development, import the database either by downloading a backup from the Utilities section inside Craft, or run scripts/pull_db.sh if you set up Craft Scripts
  10. You can download images from the server either through SFTP, SSH, or by running scripts/pull_assets.sh if you set up Craft Scripts

Code Formatting

  • This project uses Prettier for automatic code formatting, with the Prettier for Melody plugin to make it work with Twig files. This is an opinionated way to format code which keeps spacing consistent between developers
  • The configuration for Prettier in this project is defined in .prettierrc.json
  • To ignore certain files or paths, add them to .prettierignore
  • It's easiest to set up Prettier to format automatically on save (you can do this with Visual Studio Code). You can also run Prettier on an individual file by running npx prettier --write "templates/path/filename.twig"

Reference: Using Prettier with Twig in VS Code.

Front End CSS (Tailwind)

  • This project uses Tailwind CSS
  • Tailwind can be configured with the tailwind.config.js file in the project root, for things like setting the default font, or adding brand colours
  • Tailwind uses PostCSS. This can be configured with the postcss.config.js file in the project root

Front End Build Process (Laravel Mix)

Assets are compiled with Laravel Mix.

  • NPM scripts are in the package.json file in the root
  • To watch files and refresh the page after a front end file changes, run npm run watch. This will open a browserSync tab at http://localhost:3000 which refreshes every time a file changes as defined under 'files' in webpack.mix.js. This is a proxy of the domain under 'proxy' in the browserSync settings in that file
  • To compile the project, run npm run development
  • To compile the project and minify files for production, run npm run production
  • Laravel Mix can be configured in webpack.mix.js in the root of the repository

Composer Scripts

Below is an explanation of what all the scripts are for in composer.json. These mostly relate to the deployment process.

  • craft-update Runs Craft migrations (see post-update-cmd and post-install-cmd), applies Project Config & clears caches
  • deploy-staging When deploying to the staging site via Ploi, this runs composer install
  • deploy-production When deploying to the production site via Ploi, we only need to run migrations because Ploi rsync's all the Composer packages from staging
  • post-update-cmd After composer update, run migrations
  • post-install-cmd After composer install, run migrations
  • nuke Removes all Composer packages & the lock file, then runs composer update again with a clear cache

Reference: Composer Commands.

Server & Hosting

  • The site is hosted on DigitalOcean under the client's own account.
  • The server is provisioned with Ploi which handles deployment, security updates, databases & SSL.


  • The staging site is deployed automatically when you push to the main branch
  • The production site is deployed manually by logging into Ploi > Servers > staging.yourproject.co.uk > Production > "Deploy to production"

Built With


We use Git for versioning.



A boilerplate repository for Craft CMS, Laravel Mix and Tailwind


Language:JavaScript 57.8%Language:Shell 24.8%Language:CSS 8.4%Language:PHP 5.0%Language:Twig 4.0%