loco-3d / sot-talos-balance

Coordination project for the control of the balance of Talos.

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Update curve dependency

nim65s opened this issue · comments


This package still depends on the old parametric-curves library:


This should be updated to https://github.com/loco-3d/curves

Hi, unfortunately Curves do not have all the features required for an easy refactoring of sot-balance-balance yet. See https://gepgitlab.laas.fr/loco-3d/curves/issues?milestone_title=sot-talos-balance+requirements

Most of this issues seems quite easy to solve, but there is some discussion on the design and expected behavior that never converged. I will probably take care of the "easy" issues, but not before several weeks.

@nim65s Everything depends on one object called nd-trajectory-generator.cpp.
We had a request from @andreadelprete to move this object to sot-core as it used by sot-torque-control.
From a practical viewpoint I do not see why we could not switch in this repo to the new library.
For now this is not a blocking issue, but indeed we should get rid of parametric-curves.