loadaverage / mutt

My Mutt configuration

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Mutt configuraion with GnuPG-encrypted credentials, solarized-dark colorscheme and vim-like keybindings


# imap
set imap_pass='verystrongpassword'
set imap_user='crash@example.org'
set folder='imaps://mail.example.org/'
set spoolfile='imaps://mail.example.org:993/'

# smtp
set smtp_url='smtp://crash@mail.example.org@mail.example.org:465/'
set smtp_pass='verystrongpassword'

Create gpg-encrypted credentials:

gpg -r crash@example.org -e ~/.mutt/credentials

Now, mutt will prompt for the gpg password after startup.

Terminal color fix:

export TERM=xterm-256color


My Mutt configuration