lntel / quickcord-old

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

THIS REPOSITORY IS DEPRECATED. Please use Quickcord instead.


Quickcord is a discord.js wrapper which allows you to easily and swiftly create commands for your discord bot without all of the setup normally required.


npm i quickcord --save

Getting Started

To get started, firstly require the Quickcord library and then you can create a new instance of the Quickcord client. Within the constructor, the first parameter is your bot token which you can find here: https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/ and the second parameter is your command prefix which is the character which you want to have infront of all of your commands, for example: .help.

Furthermore, you can also provide an array of characters to your command prefix so you could for example use both, . and + or whatever character you have chosen. If you do not provide a prefix or an array, the prefix will be set to . by default.

const Quickcord = require('quickcord');

const command = new Quickcord.Client('token', ['.']);

command.on('loaded', console.log);

command.on('help', (res, args) => {
    const embed = Quickcord.Embed({
        title: 'test',
        description: 'testing this',
        color: '#1AC588',
        fields: [
            { name: 'test', value: 'testing', inline: true }


Command Handling

Quickcord has two different ways to handle commands, the first way which has been within Quickcord from the beginning is using the .on() method to listen to a specific command however, with version 2.4.8 it is now possible to load all your commands from a directory.

The command loader previously had a memory leak however, since 2.4.9 this has been fixed.

Standard Command Definition

Below is the standard method used to define commands. As of version 4.5.9 you are now able to provide an array of aliases opposed to just a single command. Both an example of using a single command and an array of aliases are shown in the example below.

// Single command alias
command.on('ping', (res, args) => {

// Multiple command aliases
command.on(['hey', 'hi'], (res, args) => {
    res.reply('Hello world');

Command Loader

The command loader simply loads all .js files within the provided directory and loads all of them automatically into the command handler for ease-of-use.

command.loadCommands('./commands', files => {
    files.map(file => console.log(`${file.name} Loaded`));

Each file which is loaded by the command loaded should be structured as is shown in the example below. As of 4.5.9 there is also now a disabled key which can be used to either disabled commands which have bugs or are still within development. Additionally, the name key may now also be an array of aliases however, it may also simply be a single string which represents a command trigger.

// Basic command
module.exports = {
    name: "ping",
    call: (res, args) => {

// Disabled command
module.exports = {
    name: "ping",
    disabled: true,
    call: (res, args) => {

// Command with multiple aliases
module.exports = {
    name: ['ping', 'pong'],
    call: (res, args) => {

I suggest personally, that you create a directory specifically for commands as this has shown to be quite effective and efficient.

Reserved Events

As of version 4.5.9 reserved commands are deprecated. In future these will exist again however, currently, they are not feasible as Quickcord is no longer using an EventEmitter.


The original way of creating embeds within Discord.js is quite ugly so in Quickcord I have tidied this up by using an object as a parameter with all of the embed properties defined within. As of 4.5.9 the Quickcord embed is no longer a class therefore, does not require new to instantiate it.


const Quickcord = require('quickcord');
const embed = Quickcord.Embed({
    title: 'test',
    description: 'testing this',
        color: '#1AC588',
        fields: [
            { name: 'test', value: 'testing', inline: true }

We currently do not support all properties but they will be added soon.



Language:JavaScript 100.0%