lnicolas83 / routeros-api

Mikrotik routerOS api in python

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

routeros-api (WIP)

Mikrotik routerOS api in python (based on the code of the mikrotik's wiki, https://wiki.mikrotik.com/wiki/Manual:API_Python3)

Examples :

>>> import routeros
>>> api = routeros.Api("",8728,usessl=False, sslverify=False);
>>> api.login('admin','motdepasse')

>>> api.find("/ip/address")
(True, [{'id': '1', 'address': '', 'network': '', 'interface': 'ether1', 'actual-interface': 'ether1', 'invalid': 'false', 'dynamic': 'false', 'disabled': 'false'}, {'id': '3', 'address': '', 'network': '', 'interface': '*FFFFFFFF', 'actual-interface': '*FFFFFFFF', 'invalid': 'true', 'dynamic': 'false', 'disabled': 'false'}])

>>> api.find("/ip/address",{"address":""})
(True, [{'id': '3', 'address': '', 'network': '', 'interface': '*FFFFFFFF', 'actual-interface': '*FFFFFFFF', 'invalid': 'true', 'dynamic': 'false', 'disabled': 'false'}])

>>> api.find("/ip/address",{"interface":"ether1"}, itemlist="address,interface")
(True, [{'address': '', 'interface': 'ether1'}])

>>> api.add('/ip/address',{"address": "", "interface":"ether4"})

>>> api.find_and_set("/ip/address",{"interface":"ether2"},{"address":""})

>>> api.find_and_remove("/ip/address",{"interface":"ether2"})

>>> api.find_and_remove("/ip/address",{"interface": ["ether2","ether3"]})
class Api
 |  Routeros api
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  __init__(self, host, port, usessl=False, sslverify=True, debug=False)
 |  add(self, path, params)
 |      add (mikrotik's add)
 |      path      : api path (eg: /ip/address)
 |      params    : add parameters (eg: {'address': '','interface':'ether4'})
 |      Return bool
 |  close(self)
 |      Close connection
 |  find(self, path, search={}, itemlist='', operation='AND')
 |      find (mikrotik's print)
 |      path      : api path (eg: /ip/address)
 |      search    :  (value is str or list)
 |                   "key" : "value"  -> key = value
 |                   "key" : "@"      -> key exist
 |                   "key" : "!"      -> key not exist
 |                   "key" : ">value" -> key greater than value
 |                   "key" : "<value" -> key less than value
 |      itemlist  : list of item to get (eg: "address" or "address,network"
 |      operation : AND, OR or NOT
 |      return (bool, [response])
 |  find_and_remove(self, path, search={}, operation='AND')
 |      find_and_remove (mikrotik's remove [find...])
 |      path      : api path (eg: /ip/address)
 |      search    : 
 |                   "key" : "value"  -> key = value
 |                   "key" : "@"      -> key exist
 |                   "key" : "!"      -> key not exist
 |                   "key" : ">value" -> key greater than value
 |                   "key" : "<value" -> key less than value
 |      operation : AND, OR or NOT
 |      Return bool
 |  find_and_set(self, path, params, search={}, operation='AND')
 |      find_and_set (mikrotik's set [find...])
 |      path      : api path (eg: /ip/address)
 |      params    : set parameters (eg: {'address': '','interface':'ether4'})
 |      search    : 
 |                   "key" : "value"  -> key = value
 |                   "key" : "@"      -> key exist
 |                   "key" : "!"      -> key not exist
 |                   "key" : ">value" -> key greater than value
 |                   "key" : "<value" -> key less than value
 |      operation : AND, OR or NOT
 |      Return bool
 |  login(self, username, pwd)
 |      Api login
 |      Return bool
 |  remove(self, path, id)
 |      remove (mikrotik's remove)
 |      path      : api path (eg: /ip/address)
 |      id        : mikrotik item(s) id(s) (eg : "*1,*a" or ["*1","*a"])
 |      Return bool
 |  run(self, script_name)
 |      run a script (mikrotik's /system/script/run)
 |      script_name: name of script
 |  send(self, words)
 |      Send raw api command
 |      Return (bool, response)
 |      err,msg = send(["line1","line2",...])
 |  set(self, path, id, params)
 |      set (mikrotik's set)
 |      path      : api path (eg: /ip/address)
 |      id        : mikrotik item(s) id(s) (eg : "*1,*a" or ["*1","*a"])
 |      params    : set parameters (eg: {'address': '','interface':'ether4'})
 |      Return bool
 |  wol(self, interface, mac)
 |      wakeonline (mikrotik's /tool/wol)
 |      interface : interface's name
 |      mac : computer's mac address
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors defined here:
 |  logged
 |      True if logged or False if not


Mikrotik routerOS api in python

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%