Marc Pierrot (lmpierrot)


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Implement a class called Employee. An employee has a name and gets a salary. Every pay period each employee gets an additional amount in bonus.



Intro to Java for Data Type



In determining the vulnerabilities of a new server and a system sometimes as a security analyst you have to know what kind of vulnerability the system you work with has and provide specific examples of how any vulnerabilities could be exploited. and make sure to report it to the manager along with some ways to implement the security of the server or the system and work alongside each department to implement the security of the system



To gather the information about the possible vulnerabilities on any specific service we can use a Python program that should test the given host and it should generate a list of all the TCP Open ports within the range of 1 to 1025. That project helped to gain the vulnerability to the system by knowing which port is open and then we can go further to do more research to know what kind of info the port has.



some people are working on a limited budget and have no more physical space to install new equipment. I will suggest virtual machines instead of more hardware to help reduce costs and to meet the client’s operational needs. Part of the upgrade of these virtual machines includes installing a Firewall, a PC for the CEO, a Webserver, a DNS server, and some Linux machines using the trusted network (CEO PC, and a Linux machine) A DMZ or Demilitarized zone (DNS and Web Server, and a Linux machine) and an untrusted part (A Linux Machine) for monitoring and conducting cybersecurity-related tasks.
