lmammino / oidc-authorizer-benchmark

A benchmark for https://github.com/lmammino/oidc-authorizer

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A repo to benchmark https://github.com/lmammino/oidc-authorizer

The idea of this repository is to provide the necessary automation to perform a performance benchmark of the oidc-authorizer tool.

The benchmark also provides an alternative Python implementation of the same authorizer to compare the performance of the two implementations and to provide a reference point for the performance of the oidc-authorizer.

Test architecture

The following diagram illustrates what's the high-level architecture of the benchmark:


The benchmark will provision two API Gateway, one for the oidc-authorizer and one for the alternative Python implementation. Each API Gateway will have a single MOCK endpoint that is protected by its authorizer.

Once a user deploys the necessary infrastructure, they will be able to send requests to the two endpoints and measure the performance of the authorizers. This phase will send 10.000 requests with a frequency of 100 concurrent requests per second, on each API Gateway.

As the Lambda functions are invoked, the CloudWatch Logs will capture the performance metrics of the invocations. The benchmark will then use CloudWatch Logs Insights to query the logs and generate a report with the performance metrics.


The benchmark uses a custom load testing tool that will make sure to generate unique tokens for each request to avoid API Gateway caching. Also note that the 2 authorizer have been fine tuned for cost saving using Lambda Power Tuning. You can find some screenshots of the report in the docs folder.


How to run the benchmark

Before starting make sure that your current shell session is properly authenticated with the AWS CLI to the account where you want to run the benchmark.

1. Deploy the benchmark stack

just deploy-stack

2. Run the benchmark

just run # runs the Rust version


just run-python # runs the Python version

3. Generate the report

Wait a couple of minutes to make sure all the logs are properly flushed into CloudWatch Log Groups.

Then, access the CloudWatch Logs Insights console and run the query in the Log Insights report section below.

4. Clean up

just delete-stack


At the moment the log groups are not deleted by the delete-stack command. You will have to manually delete them from the AWS Console.

Log Insights report


filter @type = "REPORT"
| stats
  # Cold Start
  sum(strcontains(@message, "Init Duration")) as numColdStarts,
  count(*) as totalRequests,
  sum(strcontains(@message, "Init Duration"))/count(*) * 100 as coldStartPct,
  avg(@initDuration) as AvgInitDurationMs,
  percentile(@initDuration, 99) as p99InitDurationMs,
  percentile(@initDuration, 95) as p95InitDurationMs,
  percentile(@initDuration, 90) as p90InitDurationMs,
  min(@initDuration) as minInitDurationMs,
  max(@initDuration) as maxInitDurationMs,
  sum(@initDuration) as totalInitDurationMs,
  # Duration
  avg(@duration) as AvgDurationMs,
  percentile(@duration, 99) as p99DurationMs,
  percentile(@duration, 95) as p95DurationMs,
  percentile(@duration, 90) as p90DurationMs,
  min(@duration) as minDurationMs,
  max(@duration) as maxDurationMs,
  sum(@duration) as totalDurationMs,

  # Billed Duration
  avg(@billedDuration) as AvgBilledDurationMs,
  percentile(@billedDuration, 99) as p99BilledDurationMs,
  percentile(@billedDuration, 95) as p95BilledDurationMs,
  percentile(@billedDuration, 90) as p90BilledDurationMs,
  min(@billedDuration) as minBilledDurationMs,
  max(@billedDuration) as maxBilledDurationMs,
  sum(@billedDuration) as totalBilledDurationMs,

  # Memory Used
  avg(@maxMemoryUsed / 1000 / 1000) as avgMemoryUsedMB,
  percentile(@maxMemoryUsed / 1000 / 1000, 99) as p99MemoryUsedMB,
  percentile(@maxMemoryUsed / 1000 / 1000, 95) as p95MemoryUsedMB,
  percentile(@maxMemoryUsed / 1000 / 1000, 90) as p90MemoryUsedMB,
  min(@maxMemoryUsed / 1000 / 1000) as minMemoryUsedMB,
  max(@maxMemoryUsed / 1000 / 1000) as maxMemoryUsedMB,

  # Cost (price per 128MB in eu-west-1: ~$0.0000000016671875)
  sum(@billedDuration) as TotalExecutionMs,
  avg(@memorySize / 1000 / 1000) as MemorySizeMB,
  (avg(@memorySize / 1000 / 1000) / 128) * 0.0000000016671875 as CostUsdMs,
  CostUsdMs * TotalExecutionMs as TotalCostUsd
by @log
πŸ”Ž Query results (2024-05-01)

CloudWatch Logs Insights
region: eu-west-1
log-group-names: /aws/lambda/oidc-authorizer-benchmark-oidcautho-OidcAuthorizer-Q4ItiBPXLX4W, /aws/lambda/oidc-authorizer-benchmark-PythonOidcAuthorizer-cvtIXhsbmtW2
start-time: 2024-05-01T18:14:13.000Z
end-time: 2024-05-01T18:32:00.000Z

@log numColdStarts totalRequests coldStartPct AvgInitDurationMs p99InitDurationMs p95InitDurationMs p90InitDurationMs minInitDurationMs maxInitDurationMs totalInitDurationMs AvgDurationMs p99DurationMs p95DurationMs p90DurationMs minDurationMs maxDurationMs totalDurationMs AvgBilledDurationMs p99BilledDurationMs p95BilledDurationMs p90BilledDurationMs minBilledDurationMs maxBilledDurationMs totalBilledDurationMs avgMemoryUsedMB p99MemoryUsedMB p95MemoryUsedMB p90MemoryUsedMB minMemoryUsedMB maxMemoryUsedMB TotalExecutionMs MemorySizeMB CostUsdMs TotalCostUsd
208950529517:/aws/lambda/oidc-authorizer-benchmark-oidcautho-OidcAuthorizer-Q4ItiBPXLX4W 100 10000 1 39.493 47.07 42.15 41.11 36.28 49.1 3949.3 7.6513 103.0298 15.8309 15.0947 0.89 216.67 76512.66 8.6514 140 16 16 1 217 86514 21.5805 24 22 22 19 24 86514 128 0.000000001667 0.0001442
208950529517:/aws/lambda/oidc-authorizer-benchmark-PythonOidcAuthorizer-cvtIXhsbmtW2 129 10000 1.29 637.8498 689.3387 676.3713 669.6446 574.12 693.43 82282.62 11.858 323.0797 16.0842 15.3362 1.99 436.52 118580.43 12.3877 333 17 16 2 437 123877 76.9072 82 77 77 74 82 123877 256 0.000000003334 0.0004131

The results are also available as a CSV in docs/logs-insights-results-2024-05-01.csv.

Summary of the latest benchmark execution

Based on the numbers from my latest benchmark execution, these are some relevant findings when comparing oidc-authorizer with an equivalent Python implementation:

  • The Rust version is about 16 times faster than the Python version when it comes to cold starts (~42ms vs ~670ms).
  • Execution times are quite comparable between the two implementations, with the Rust version being only slightly faster. This is probably because the Python library used to do the JWT validation is quite optimized.
  • Memory utilization is about 3.5 times smaller in Rust (22MB vs 77MB). This allows us to use a smaller memory size for the Rust version, which results in a lower cost.
  • The cost per request is about 3 times smaller in Rust compared to Python (~1.44 USD vs ~4.13 USD per every 100Mln invocations).

It's worth noting that this kind of test has a very low cold start ratio (~1%) and the performance of the two implementations is quite comparable (except cost). In cases with a higher cold start ratio, the Rust version is expected to have a larger advantage in terms of performance and overall user experience.

πŸ™Œ Contributing

Everyone is very welcome to contribute to this project. You can contribute just by submitting bugs or suggesting improvements by opening an issue on GitHub.

πŸ‘¨β€βš–οΈ License

Licensed under MIT License. Β© Luciano Mammino.


A benchmark for https://github.com/lmammino/oidc-authorizer

License:MIT License


Language:Rust 46.3%Language:Python 44.8%Language:Just 6.8%Language:JavaScript 2.1%