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[Comb][Canonicalize] Missing best effort dialect attribute propagation

7FM opened this issue · comments


Similar to my previous issue #5531, several canonicalizations drop attributes (except sv.namehint). While I agree that it is unsafe to propagate discardable attributes freely, I think that the current implementation might be slightly to conservative.
As @teqdruid pointed out in #5532 (comment):

In general, dialect attributes should be propagated best effort, so I think it's appropriate to propagated them through the canonicalizers where it's obvious what the destination/source op is.

IMHO one such example would be when the canonicalization rewrites the operation without changing the dialect operation class.
Here is an example for the canonicalize pattern extract(olo, extract(ilo, x)) = extract(olo + ilo, x):

module {
  hw.module @attrsGone(in %arg0: i64, out res: i32) {
    %0 = comb.extract %arg0 from 0 : (i64) -> i42
    %1 = comb.extract %0 from 0 {custom_dialect.attr = "test"} : (i42) -> i32
    hw.output %1 : i32

Current result after -canonicalize:

module {
  hw.module @attrsGone(in %arg0 : i64, out res : i32) {
    %0 = comb.extract %arg0 from 0 : (i64) -> i32
    hw.output %0 : i32

With a best effort propagation:

module {
  hw.module @attrsGone(in %arg0 : i64, out res : i32) {
    %0 = comb.extract %arg0 from 0 {custom_dialect.attr = "test"} : (i64) -> i32
    hw.output %0 : i32