lkeijser / mkm-tool

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


$ ./ --help
Usage: [ -h ]

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l, --list            Returns a collection of all games that are supported
                        by MKM.
  -s SEARCH, --search=SEARCH
                        Search MKM for a specific item
                        Specify which language to use [1: english, 2: french,
                        3: german, 4: spanish, 5: italian]
  -i GAMEID, --id=GAMEID
                        Specify which game ID to use (for list, use --list
  -g, --img             Retrieve the URI to the card image.
  -p PRODUCT, --product=PRODUCT
                        Returns detailed information about a single product.


$ ./ -s 'enlightened tutor' 
ID     | Name              | Expansion                 | Rarity   | Price (low) | Price (avg)
8269   | Enlightened Tutor | Mirage                    | Uncommon | 4           | 12.33      
10862  | Enlightened Tutor | Sixth Edition             | Uncommon | 6           | 9.82       
18214  | Enlightened Tutor | Arena League Promos       | Special  | 20          | 32.19      
18402  | Enlightened Tutor | World Championship Decks  | Special  | 0           | 0          
249665 | Enlightened Tutor | WCD 2000: Nicolas Labarre | Special  | 4.5         | 5.65       
249643 | Enlightened Tutor | WCD 2000: Tom Van de Logt | Special  | 5.49        | 6.01    



Language:Python 100.0%