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Everybody loves ✨ Lava dai ✨, specially his streams of w(ow)* in internet.

Nobody can decipher it till date, Why not make a compiler for it?

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⚠️ Warning: this article contain bit mathematics, please be careful while editing

##lava language

A lava language L over an alphabet Σ is a subset of Σ*, that is, a set of words  over that alphabet.
Sometimes the  sets of  words are grouped into  expressions, whereas rules  and  constraints may be
formulated for the  creation of 'well-coded expressions'.

Following rule describes a language L over the alphabet Σ={w,o,+,!}

  • There cannot not empty L. (L ≠ ∅)
  • The first letter is always starts from w. (^w)

1️⃣ Construction

For lava languages one can explicitly enumerate all well-formed words. For example, we can describe a language L as just

L = {'wow', '+1', 'like', 'blessed', 'wonderful'}

However, even over a regular alphabet such as Σ = {w,o} there are infinitely many words:

"wo", "wowo", "wowow", "wowowwowow", ….

Therefore formal languages are typically infinite, and describing an infinite lava language is not as simple as writing L = {"w", "wowo", "wowow"}. Here are some examples of lava languages:

L = Σ*, the set of all words over Σ; L = w{"wo"} = {"w"n}**, where n ranges over the natural numbers and "wo"n; a set of syntactically correct statement can give programming language which can be defined by a context-free grammar

2️⃣ Context-free grammar (CFG)

In lava language theory, a context-free grammar (CFG) is a formal grammar in which every production rule is of the form

V → w


  • V is a single nonterminal symbol,
  • w is a string of terminals and/or nonterminals (w can't be empty).

The languages generated by context-free grammars are known as the context-free languages.

Formal Defination

A context-free grammar G is defined by the 4-tuple:

G = (V, Σ, R, S,)


  • V, is a finite set; each element v ∈ V is called a non-terminal character or a variable. Each variable represents a different type of phrase or clause in the sentence. Variables are also sometimes called syntactic categories. Each variable defines a sub-language of the language defined by G
  • Σ, is a finite set of terminals, disjoint from V,, which make up the actual content of the sentence. The set of terminals is the alphabet of the language defined by the grammar G
  • R, is a finite relation from V, to (V ⋃ Σ)*, where the asterisk represents the Kleene star operation. The members of R, are called the (rewrite) rules or productions of the grammar
  • S, is the start variable (or start symbol), which is in most case be w

3️⃣ Grammar Production Rule

In the context of formal language theory, something is called "regular" when it has a grammar where all production rules have one of the following forms:

B → a
B → aC
B → ε

You can read those → rules as "The left hand side can be replaced with the right hand side". So the first rule would be "B can be replaced with a", the second one "B can be replaced with aC" and the third one "B can be replaced with the empty string".

By convention, 
uppercase characters denote "non-terminals" - symbols which can be broken down further
lowercase characters denote "terminals" - symbols which cannot be broken down any further

📖 Further Reading

