ljrain / PowerPlatformALMTemplate

Power Platform ALM Template.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Power Platform Application Lifecycle Managment (ALM) Template

This repository contains Workflows for interacting with Power Platform Environments for handling ALM processes.



The following Power Platforms are used as part of this project.

Name Description
DEV Main development environment will all work is performed on the solution
BUILD Build environment that is used by GitHub actions for building solution
HOTFIX Special hotfix environment to be used for working on hotfixes and keeping dev work isolated from hotfixes
PROD Production environment that will host the final solution for production use

GitHub Actions

Environment Variables / Secrets

Name Description
CLIENT_ID The Client ID from the App Registration for Power Platform
TENANT_ID The Tenant ID for the Tenant hosting the Power Platform solution
ENVIRONMENT_URL The URL for the Power Platform environment
BUILD_ENVIRONMENT_URL The URL for the Power Platform Build environment
PRODUCTION_ENVIRONMENT_URL The URL for the Power Platform Production environmnet
PowerPlatformSPN The Secret for the Client ID that has been registered for Power Platform. This is stored in secrets on GitHub


Export solution from DEV as unmanaged, upload export solution to GitHub artifact store, pack solution as unmanaged and deploy to dev/hotfix


Export unmanaged solution from environmnet , unpack the solution, prepare for check-in, commit and create branch. Once this workflow completes a Pull Request will be needed to merge the new branch into the Main branch.

Inputs: solution_name: The name of the solution to be export from Power Platform Environment. solution_exported_folder

Input Name Required Default Description
solution_name Yes ALMLab name of the solution to worked on from Power Platform
solution_exported_folder Yes out/exported/ folder name for staging the exported solution do not change
solution_folder Yes out/solutions/ staging the unpacked solution folder before check-in do not change
solution_target_folder Yes solutions/ folder name to be created and checked in do not change


  1. actions/checkout@v2
  2. who-am-i action
  3. export-solution action
  4. unpack-solultion action
  5. branch-solution, prepare it, for Pull Request



Trigger action that is initiated when a new release is created in GitHub. This action will then call release-solution-to-prod-with-inputs to handle importing a managed solution from the Main branch into the production Power Platform environment.


This action is called from release-action-call when a new release is created in GitHub. Once a new release create this action will use the Main branch to pack the solution and import into production as a managed solution.


Steps: convert-to-managed

  1. actions/checkout@v2
  2. Pack solution
  3. Import solution as unmanaged to build env
  4. Export solution as managed
  5. Upload the ready to ship solution to GitHub artifact store release-to-staging
  6. actions/checkout@v2
  7. Fetch the ready to ship solution from GitHub artifact store



Power Platform ALM Template.