ljones140 / view_log_aggregator

Takes a log file and returns the visit numbers and unique view numbers for each page.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

View Log Aggregator

Takes a log file and returns the visit numbers and unique view numbers for each page.

It also returns a list of invalid entries if the IP addresses are not valid.

Given a file containing:

/broken not_an_ip_address

bin/parser <file> will return:

|Page name|visits|
|/about   |3     |
|/contact |2     |
|Page name|Unique Views|
|/contact |2           |
|/about   |1           |
Invalid Entries
/broken not_an_ip_address


Assuming that you have Ruby installed via https://github.com/rbenv/rbenv

rbnev install
bundle install


To run script pass in your weblog file.

bin/parser <weblog.log>

Note: All of the IP addresses in the challenge webserver.log were invalid.

Test Data Creation Script

This repo contains a script that creates sample weblog data. It generates a weblog output containing page names and valid and invalid IP addresses.


The below will send the output of create_test_data directly into the parser.

bin/parser <(bin/create_test_data) 

Development Approach

Solution was created using Test Driven Development. Reading the repo commit by commit will hopefully give insight into my process.

In an Object Orientated Programming approach the solution consists of several domain objects, each with a specific responsibility.

PageEntry is responsible for keeping a record of visits to a page. It can be asked how many visits the page has had and how many visitors from unique IP addresses the page has received.

PageViewAggregator is responsible for creating the PageEntry objects, adding visits to them and returning the result data.

IP addresses are represented as IPAddr objects. Using ip_addr from the standard Ruby library.

LogParser orchestrates the process. It receives the file path from the shell, opens and streams the file line by line into the PageViewAggregator. Once file is streamed it takes the aggregator's result data sets and requests the printer to print them.

The Printer prints data to the terminal. It has presentation logic. It uses the tty_table gem to print tables to the terminal.

Testing Approach

Run tests and Rubocop with:


Unit tests exist for each object. I have used dependency injection to test LogParser's calls to Printer. This is to ensure the correct data is being sent to the printer without having to extensively stub tty_table extensively.

This does mean that there is lack of test coverage for Printer, I can accept this as the Printers functionality is simple. I am reluctant to add further tests that stub the TTY::Prompt class as that is not a class this system owns.

I prefer to use dependency injection over stubbing. I believe it gives more control and avoids hidden side effects from mocking.

I avoid lets, before blocks and subjects when using RSpec. Lets and before blocks can lead to the Mystery Guest anti pattern.

The test reader is not able to see the cause and effect between fixture and verification logic because part of it is done outside the Test Method.

I believe tests tell the reader more when the it block declares the setup for the test.

Subject also compounds the mystery guest problem. Use of subject in test examples was never intended by the RSpec authors. See here in docs

we recommend that you reserve it for support of custom matchers and/or extension libraries that hide its use from examples.

Static Analysis

rubocop used for static analysis with addition of rubocop-rspec and rubocop-performance


Takes a log file and returns the visit numbers and unique view numbers for each page.


Language:Ruby 99.4%Language:Shell 0.6%