ljmerza / rsync-prometheus-exporter

A tool to export rsyncd metrics to Prometheus.io

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



rsync metrics exporter for Prmoetheus.io


  • linux OS with tail + rsync installed
  • Golang >= 1.12
  • [OPTIONAL] Docker

Code files

  • exporter.go => main code
  • exporter_test.go => unit tests

Design choices / Architecture

This utility is written in GO and uses tail -f -n +1 [logfile] STDOUTPUT to parse a live logfile.

The overall logic is:

  • tail is invoked and its output is piped using StdoutPipe()
  • A bufio.Scanner is attached to the pipe. It provides a convenient interface for reading data such as a file of newline-delimited lines of text. Created with bufio.NewScanner which by default assumes a ScanLines split function.
  • A GO subroutine runs a WHILE-type loop that scans every new line in the file.
  • The line is passed to a log parser that extracts meaningful data for the metrics using carefully tailored strings.Split functions
  • Extracted values are passed to the relevant metric object using function recordMetrics(metricType string, value int)
  • Metrics are exposed using promhttp handler
  • For an explanation on metric choices, go to Metrics section


  • Metrics for Prometheus.io are exposed to HTTP /metrics endpoint on PORT 2112. To reach locally just issue wget http://localhost:2112/metrics
  • Default log is ./rsync_example.log


The following metrics are exposed to Prometheus.io

  • "connections_to_rsync" => The total number of connections to rsync daemon
  • "rsync_executions" => The total number of rsync executions
  • "data_sent" => The total data sent (bytes)
  • "data_received" => The total data received (bytes)

All 4 metrics are COUNTER types as they can only increase and can be easily transformed in rates using rate() function in Prometheus to get interesting derived metrics, like connections/min or send-receive bytes/sec.


Quickstart using run.sh shell script (Linux/MacOS)

Once the repository is in a <folder>:

  1. cd <folder>

  2. Launch the run.sh [full path of rsync logfile to parse] shell script with your shell. For example, using sh:

    sh run.sh [full path of rsync logfile to parse]

Building an executable in a Linux environment

Once the repository is in a <folder>:

  1. cd <folder>
  2. go build -o exporter (to avoid that the executable has the default naming <folder>)
  3. exporter [PATH_TO_RSYNC_LOGFILE] to start monitoring the rsync logfile

Using Docker

There is a Dockerfile to build an Alpine based container with the compiled executable (called app).

Once the repository is in a <folder>:

  1. cd <folder>
  2. docker build --rm -f "Dockerfile" -t <AN IMAGE NAME HERE>:latest .
  3. docker run --rm -it -p 2112:2112 -v <PATH TO RSYNC LOG FILE IN HOST>:<MOUNT POINT IN THE CONTAINER>:ro <AN IMAGE NAME HERE>:latest sh
  4. Run the app with: app [MOUNT POINT IN THE CONTAINER]
  5. Metrics will be exposed to http://localhost:2112/metrics or, if you use docker-machine, http://DOCKER_MACHINE_IP:2112/metrics


Once the app is compiled and named exporter:



--help, -h Help: displays all available options

-p TCP port to listen fo /metrics endpoint


Some unit tests are provided.

To run tests:

go test

IMPORTANT NOTICE IF USING DOCKER IMAGE: Tests require gcc, so the provided Alpine based container is not a suitable option to execute them. Use the standard golang:1.12 instead or run them in a linux environment with gcc and Go 1.12. For convenience there is a Dockerfile for this purpose.

To use it: docker build --rm -f "Dockerfile4test" -t <AN IMAGE NAME SPECIFIC FOR TEST HERE>:latest .


This package is released under the GPLv3 license


A tool to export rsyncd metrics to Prometheus.io

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Go 90.1%Language:Shell 6.1%Language:Dockerfile 3.8%