ljgago / MusicBot

A multi-server music bot for Discord built in Go

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


MusicBot is a multiserver music bot for Discord built in Go. MusicBot plays youtube audio and radio stream url.


  • Plays YouTube audio with query parameters or the url link.
  • Plays radio stream url.
  • Search YouTube videos.
  • Support queue.
  • Support remove song of queue by index, by user or by the last song.
  • Support for skip, pause and resume.
  • Support ignore commands of a channel.
  • Support for message lifetime (config file)
  • Support view title of song in status (config file) (Use this if you have one server only)
  • Add Dockerfile and docker-compose for automatic build and run.

Build and install

You need to have installed in your system go>1.7 and ffmpeg>3.0

# Install MusicBot
go get -u github.com/ljgago/MusicBot


MusicBot use a simple TOML config file.

MusicBot -f bot.toml


Edit and rename bot.toml.sample to bot.toml

# Run docker
docker build -t musicbot-img .
docker run -d --name musicbot --restart always -v $PWD/bot.toml:/bot/bot.toml -it musicbot-img

If you have docker-compose:

# Run docker-compose (automatic build and run)
docker-compose up -d

Example bot.toml config file:

  token = "YjQ4ODMyNTI0NzG3NDMwsDAw.CdNZBQ.fG5QVSUj7Gunf7CTTh69jG18tiQ" # Token bot
  status = "Music Bot | !help"
  prefix = "!"
  purgetime = 60 # message time to live 
  playstatus = false # Set 'true' if this bot run one server only

  token = "UIzRSyFyg75iDJbsKhaYk97UtgFriJjbo8uLH57"

License MIT.


A multi-server music bot for Discord built in Go

License:MIT License


Language:Go 99.3%Language:Dockerfile 0.7%