ljcc0930 / CSE-842-hw1

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CSE 842 Homework

Question 1


python liujia45_hw1p1.py


I have tried multiple settings of add-k-smoothing with 3-fold testing, and the test results are:

Add-k-smooth Precision Recall F1 Accuracy
0 (no smoothing) 0.7060 0.7500 0.7270 0.7185
0.1 0.8048 0.7570 0.7797 0.7865
1 0.8097 0.7870 0.7977 0.8010

Then I chose 1 as the smooth parameter. Performance on the training set (add-1-smooth):

Fold Precision Recall F1 Accuracy
1, 2 0.9970 0.9805 0.9887 0.9888
0, 2 0.9939 0.9790 0.9864 0.9865
0, 1 0.9879 0.9775 0.9826 0.9827

Performance on the testing set (add-1-smooth):

Fold Precision Recall F1 Accuracy
0 0.7935 0.8078 0.8006 0.7988
1 0.8073 0.7297 0.7666 0.7778
2 0.8283 0.8234 0.8258 0.8263
Avg 0.8097 0.7870 0.7977 0.8010

Question 2


python liujia45_hw1p2_all.py


I explored the regularization parameter of Support Vector Machine on both BOW:

Model Features Precision Recall F1 Accuracy
1-SVM Bag-of-words 0.7677 0.6405 0.6978 0.7230
2-SVM Bag-of-words 0.7916 0.7011 0.7435 0.7580
3-SVM Bag-of-words 0.8171 0.7283 0.7701 0.7825

,and TF-IDF:

Model Features Precision Recall F1 Accuracy
1-SVM TF-IDF 0.8215 0.8232 0.8223 0.8220
2-SVM TF-IDF 0.8385 0.8412 0.8398 0.8395
3-SVM TF-IDF 0.8368 0.8412 0.8390 0.8385

We can find that 3-SVM perform better on BOW, and 2-SVM performed better on TF-IDF.

I have tested the BOW and TF-IDF encoder on both add-1-smoothing NB and SVM. And did 3-fold testing, which results are:

Model Features Precision Recall F1 Accuracy
Naive Bayes Bag-of-words 0.8116 0.7964 0.8039 0.8055
Naive Bayes TF-IDF 0.8581 0.7224 0.7758 0.7965
3-SVM Bag-of-words 0.8171 0.7283 0.7701 0.7825
2-SVM TF-IDF 0.8385 0.8412 0.8398 0.8395

We can observe that TF-IDF is not worked for NB. When using BOW, SVM worked even worse than NB, but outperformed others when using the TF-IDF encoder.

Question 1 ex


python liujia45_hw1p1_ex.py --n-grams {$N_GRAMS} --k-smooth {$K_SMOOTH}


I downloaded the Sarcasm V2.0 Corpus to test the Naive Bayes model's handling sarcasm performance. To improve the performance of NB, I explored the k of Laplacian Smoothing.

Add-k-smooth Precision Recall F1 Accuracy
0.0 (baseline) 0.6889 0.6595 0.6738 0.6808
0.2 0.7280 0.7281 0.7280 0.7280
0.4 0.7384 0.7260 0.7321 0.7344
0.6 0.7478 0.7194 0.7333 0.7383
0.8 0.7577 0.7066 0.7312 0.7403
1.0 0.7655 0.6947 0.7283 0.7409
1.2 0.7736 0.6806 0.7241 0.7407
1.4 0.7804 0.6655 0.7184 0.7391
1.6 0.7864 0.6480 0.7105 0.7360
1.8 0.7919 0.6284 0.7007 0.7316

Then, since negated meanings could be expressed in multiple words, I implemented the n-gram model. Then did an exploration among the gram numbers (without smoothing).

N-grams Precision Recall F1 Accuracy
1 (baseline) 0.6889 0.6595 0.6738 0.6808
2 0.7340 0.5979 0.6590 0.6906
3 0.7312 0.5915 0.6539 0.6870
4 0.7212 0.6133 0.6628 0.6880
5 0.7045 0.6450 0.6734 0.6872

Then we can do a grid search among the k and n:


Therefore, we can find the highest accuracy. Compared with the baseline:

Models Precision Recall F1 Accuracy
Baseline (1-gram, no smoothing) 0.6889 0.6595 0.6738 0.6808
Optimized (2-gram, add-0.8 smoothing) 0.7816 0.6891 0.7324 0.7482

Optional Arguments

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --seed SEED           Random seed. (default: 2)
  --data-dir DATA_DIR   Path to save datasets. (default: ./data)
  --n-folds N_FOLDS     Numbers of folds in testing. (default: 3)
  --n-grams N_GRAMS     Numbers of grams in encoding. (default: 1)
  --testing-fold TESTING_FOLD
                        The index of which fold should be in the 
                        testing set. (default: Enumerate all folds)
  --k-smooth K_SMOOTH   Value of add-k-smoothing in Naive Bayes. (default: 1)
  --C-SVC C_SVC         Value of regularization parameter in Support
                        Vector Machine. (default: 1)
  --save-dir SAVE_DIR   Directory to save models. Only for handcraft 
                        NB model. (default: ./model)
  --checkpoint-path CHECKPOINT_PATH
                        Path to load pre-trained model. (default: None)



Language:Python 100.0%