liwenchao0615 / ZSIECNet

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ZSDECNet : A Zero-Shot Deep Learning Framework for Image Exposure Correction

This is the official PyTorch code for our paper : ZSDECNet: A Zero-Shot Deep Learning Framework for Image Exposure Correction

Network structure diagram

Wenchao Li, Shuyuan Wen,Jinhao Zhua, Qiaofeng Oub, Yanchun Guob, Jiabao Chen and Bangshu Xiong

Keywords: Exposure correction, Zero-shot, Illumination estimation, Multi-exposure fusion.

This repository contains the code and resources for the paper:

code: Will be open source after the paper is accepted.

resources: includes the DSN night street view dataset and test results on all datasets.


  • Create a new conda environment

      conda create -n ZSDECNet python=3.7
      conda activate ZSDECNet
  • Install Pytroch

      # CUDA  
      conda install pytorch==1.8.1 torchvision==0.9.1 torchaudio==0.8.1 cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch
  • Install other dependencies

      pip install -r requirements.txt


DSN Night street scene, including underexposure and overexposure. Can be downloaded from Baidu Cloud and Google Drive.

Test results

Contains the visual comparison results of all methods in the paper on 7 datasets. Can be downloaded from Baidu Cloud and and Google Drive.


If you have any problem with the released code, please do not hesitate to contact me by email (





Language:Python 100.0%