Livrädo Sandoval's repositories
A multi-platform application developed especially for elders and ministerial servants, to elaborate and maintain all the assignments and responsibilities of the congregation. It includes security and privacy functions, to protect the information of the members of the congregation.
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A cross-platform app that facilitates the sharing of multimedia content for congregation meetings of Jehovah’s Witnesses in any language, whether on video conferencing platforms or at the Kingdom Hall, offering a perfect adaptation for hybrid, remote or in-person meetings.
"ReviwTools" es un complemento para Sublime Text diseñado para validar la integración de un nuevo .jwpub a JWPUB Catalog.
The intrusive "The writer made this a members-only story" message is annoying. This open-source project aims to address this issue by providing a solution to bypass all “Members-only story” paywalls for Medium articles.
:electron: Binarios compilados de la aplicación web Kingdom Hall Attendant para Windows, macOS y Linux
Default channel file for Package Control. Follow the directions at:
A service to allow freelancers to get free '' subdomains.