livienyin / notify

Spike for sms/email notification app

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

CivicRails App Template

This app template aims to be simple, beautiful, and easy to use. No fancy app generators here - just a Heroku ready Rails application with minimal dependencies, designed to encourage and enable collaboration.

Here are some useful resources for getting started:


$ git clone my-civic-app
$ cd my-civic-app
$ git remote rename origin template
$ bundle install
$ rake db:create db:migrate db:test:prepare
$ rake # run the complete test suite
$ rails server


Renaming the application is easy with the provided rake task. Pass the desired name as an argument and the constants and database configuration will be updated.

$ rake rename[MyCivicApp]
$ rake db:create db:migrate db:test:prepare # setup new databases
$ rake # confirm that the test suite passes
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Rename to MyCivicApp"


See the Getting Started guide if you haven't used Heroku before.

$ heroku create <app name>
$ heroku addons:add pgbackups:auto-month # recommended
$ heroku config:set SECRET_KEY_BASE=`bundle exec rake secret`
$ git push heroku master
$ heroku run rake db:migrate
$ heroku open


Spike for sms/email notification app