liveforeverx / apix

Simple convention and DSL for transformation of elixir functions to an API for later documentation and or validation.

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Simple convention and DSL for transformation of elixir functions to a documented and ready for validation API.

Example of usage (very simple get/put API):

defmodule Simple.Api do
  @moduledoc """
  This api describes very simple get/put storage api.
  And should be a very small example of how to use it.
  use Apix
  @name "SimpleStore"
  @tech_name "store"
  api "Get", :get
  api "Put", :put

  def ensure_started() do
    case Process.whereis(:simple) do
      nil ->
        {:ok, pid} = Agent.start_link(fn -> %{} end)
        Process.register(pid, :simple)
      _ ->

  @doc """
  Get value for a defined key

  ## Parameters

    * `:key` - string, must be sent
    * `:default` - string, optional, defines default, if nothing found to be returned

  ## Results

  def get(%{key: key} = args) do
    %{result: Agent.get(:simple, &Map.get(&1, key, args[:default]))}

  @doc """
  Put a value for the key

  ## Parameters

    * `:key` - string, describes key, on which it will be saved
    * `:value` - string, describes value

  ## Results

  def put(%{key: key, value: value} = _args) do
    Agent.update(:simple, &Map.put(&1, key, value))
    %{result: true}

Now, it is possible to get information to your API:

iex> Apix.spec(Simple.Api, :methods)
["Get", "Put"]
iex> Apix.spec(Simple.Api, :method, "Put")
%{arguments: [key: %{description: "describes key, on which it will be saved", optional: false, type: "string"},
              value: %{description: "describes value", optional: false, type: "string"}],
  doc: "Put a value for the key"}
iex> Apix.spec(Simple.Api, :name)
iex> Apix.spec(Simple.Api, :doc)
"This api describes very simple get/put storage api.\nAnd should be a very small example of how to use it.\n"

There are some word in documetation, which will be identified, for example: ## Parameters, starting the attributes section.

Each attribute should have the same format: "* key - type, description" or "* key - type, optional, description". Type should be of type, which your validator supports. Apix may support JSON validation in the future.

For more information, use Apix documentation. All examples are actually tested with doctest.


Simple convention and DSL for transformation of elixir functions to an API for later documentation and or validation.



Language:Elixir 100.0%