liuyuan-cisd / EnhancerCodeConservation

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Enhancer Code Conservation Documentation

We developed a machine-learning based cross-species enhancer prediction framework to explore the conservation of enhancer sequence code in mammalian species. We demonstrated that k-mer spectrum based SVM models accurately identified adult liver and developing limb enhancers in mammals. Applying these classifiers across species, the performance is remarkably conserved; classifers trained in different species performed nearly as well as classifiers trained on the target species. These results suggest that, elements of the regulatory sequence code have been maintained across more than 180 million years of mammalian evolution.

We used an R packages, kebabs for building SVM models. The generalization.r script can be adapted to predict putative regulatory elements in species for which experimental data are not currently avaiable.

  • Prerequisites
  • Usage
    • This script is set up in a training and evaluation setting. If it is for pure prediction, it is OK to set <Species_2 Number of enhancers> and ignore the evaluation accuracy. The resulting ../results/SVM_output/<species_1>_applyto_<species_2>_<data>.tsv contains the prediction scores. The regions of species_2 with decision equals to 1 are putative enhancers. The regions can also be ranked by response column and the regions with larger positive values are more likely to be enhancers.
    • In genome, negatives regions are a lot more than enhancers. Although we showed the highly conserved performance of enhancer classifiers when applied across species, it is likely to have a large portion of false positives in practice given the high ratio of negative regions. Use a strict cutoff or choose regions that you want to predict based some other criteria will help reduce the false postive rate.
    • The default enhancers/negatives ratio is 10. If other ratio is used, please change class weights wts.
    ./generalization.r <species_1, used to trained the model> <species_1 Enhancers and Negatives sequence file> <Species_1 Number of enhancers> 
    <species_2, used to trained the model> <species_2 Enhancers and Negatives sequence file> <Species_2 Number of enhancers>  

Here we go through the analyses we performed in our manuscript.

Work Pipeline

alt text


We used two dataset, liver enhancers of 6 mammals (Villar et al. 2015) and limb enhancers of 3 mammals (Cotney et al. 2013). We then generated non-GC-controlled negatives and GC-controlled negatives for each set of enhancers. These bed regions can be found in the data/seqs/

Figure 2: 5-mer specturm SVM models can accurately identified enhancers in diverse mammals.(Within species enhancer prediction)

First, we demonstrated that the 5-mer specutrm SVM can accurately identified enhancers in diverse mammals. We use twoBitToFa, an tool from UCSC command line bioinformatic utilities to convert the bed files to fasta sequences and use cross_validation.r to perform within species enhancer predictions. The usage is

./cross_validation.r <Species> <Enhancers and Negatives sequence file> <Number of enhancers>

The complete commands we used to perform within species enhancer prediction are listed in

We evaluated the within species enhancer prediction performace with ROC and PR curves.

#Figure 2a liver 
./  ../results/figures/liver_withinspecies_2a ../results/SVM_output/Hsap_cv_scores_2015-08-07.tsv ../results/SVM_output/Mmul_cv_scores_2015-08-07.tsv ../results/SVM_output/Mmus_cv_scores_2015-08-10.tsv ../results/SVM_output/Btau_cv_scores_2015-08-07.tsv ../results/SVM_output/Cfam_cv_scores_2015-08-07.tsv ../results/SVM_output/Mdom_cv_scores_2015-08-14.tsv
#Figure 2b limnb 
./  ../results/figures/limb_withinspecies_2b ../results/SVM_output/limb/Limb_Hsap_cv_scores_2016-01-07.tsv ../results/SVM_output/limb/Limb_Mmus_cv_scores_2016-01-07.tsv ../results/SVM_output/limb/Limb_Mmul_cv_scores_2016-01-07.tsv

Figure 3: Enhancer classifiers perform well when applied across species (Cross species enhancer prediction)

Next, we applied SVM models trained in one species across species with generalization.r. The complete commands we used to perform cross species enhancer prediction are listed in

The SVM models trained with human liver enhancers can predict enhancers in other species as well.

#Figure 3a
./ ../results/figures/liver_human_applytoothers_3a ../results/SVM_output/Hsap_cv_scores_2015-08-07.tsv ../results/SVM_output/Hsap_applyto_Mmul_2015-11-19.tsv ../results/SVM_output/Hsap_applyto_Mmus_2015-11-19.tsv ../results/SVM_output/Hsap_applyto_Btau_2015-11-18.tsv ../results/SVM_output/Hsap_applyto_Cfam_2015-11-18.tsv ../results/SVM_output/Hsap_applyto_Mdom_2015-11-18.tsv

Same for the limb.

#Figure 3c
./ ../results/figures/limb_human_applyttoothers_3c  ../results/SVM_output/limb/Limb_Hsap_cv_scores_2016-01-07.tsv ../results/SVM_output/limb/Limb_Hsap_applyto_Mmul_2016-01-06.tsv ../results/SVM_output/limb/Limb_Hsap_applyto_Mmus_2016-01-06.tsv

And, the good generalization of liver enhancer SVM models is true for every species pair, evaluated by computing auROC, auPR and relative auROC, relative auPR.

#Figure 3b and 3d
for FILE in ../results/figures/heatmaps/*tab
  ./ $FILE

Figure 4: The predictions of enhancer classifiers trained in different species were strongly correlated.

We found that the predictions of enhancer classifiers trained in different species were strongly correlated. The commands for this analysis is in ./

In addition, we found that the mouse and opossum enhancers had a different GC content distribution, which contributed to the failure of mouse and opossum SVM model to recognize high GC content human enhancers.

./  ../data/seqs/Hsap_enhancer_and_negative_regions/Hsap_Enhancers_gapexcluded_gcandlength.tsv ../data/seqs/Mmul_enhancer_and_negative_regions/Mmul_Enhancers_gapexcluded_gcandlength.tsv  ../data/seqs/Mmus_enhancer_and_negative_regions/Mmus_Enhancers_gapexcluded_gcandlength.tsv  ../data/seqs/Btau_enhancer_and_negative_regions/Btau_Enhancers_gapexcluded_gcandlength.tsv ../data/seqs/Cfam_enhancer_and_negative_regions/Cfam_Enhancers_gapexcluded_gcandlength.tsv ../data/seqs/Mdom_enhancer_and_negative_regions/Mdom_Enhancers_gapexcluded_gcandlength.tsv

Figure 5: The ability to predict enhancers across species was maintained when the contribution from GC content is removed.

We then performed the GC-contolled analysis. The complete commands are in And the performance was evaluated by computing auROC, auPR and relative auROC, relative auPR.

#Figure 5a and 5b
for FILE in ../results/figures/heatmaps/*gc*tab
  ./ $FILE

Figure 6: The DNA sequence patterns most predictive of liver activity across species matched a common set of transcription factors.

We mapped the top 5-mers from liver enhancer species models of all species and found them matched a common set of transcription factors. The complete commands are in

The Venn diagram is generated by jVenn.


License:MIT License


Language:Shell 50.9%Language:Python 39.8%Language:R 9.3%