SMM stands for Sean's Movie Manager
SMM is an application to manage your movies.
- manage your downdloaded or ripped movie file
- grap movie information from
- display beautiful movie poster
- search movie and play movie
I start from find a usable movie manager for myself. I did a lot research, but most of them just not suitable for me. Med's Movie Manager is the most close one, and it is open sourced.
I start by adding function to Med's Movie Manager, but suddenly it graps me and I get a madness to decide create a totally different one.
I am a newbie with open source, so maybe did something wrong, for example, I include other open source project in my code, only because it is more convenient to debug.
Please let me know if anything is wrong.
Here is the screenshot
- It support python plugin.
- It focus the downloaded/ripped movie management
- (todo)
* 功能上并不完全和Plex重合,比如我想要的随机选取功能,Plex做不到。
* Python的插件系统,要比Plex的插件系统容易加新功能
* 它不带播放器,依赖系统的播放器。固然不够强大,但也可以说很灵活。
* Java和Python,我最熟悉的语言,添加功能更容易。
* 开源。