liudan92221 / generator-tvwheel

Yeoman generator

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

generator-tvwheel Build Status

Yeoman generator

Getting Started

What is Yeoman?

Trick question. It's not a thing. It's this guy:

Basically, he wears a top hat, lives in your computer, and waits for you to tell him what kind of application you wish to create.

Not every new computer comes with a Yeoman pre-installed. He lives in the npm package repository. You only have to ask for him once, then he packs up and moves into your hard drive. Make sure you clean up, he likes new and shiny things.

npm install -g yo

Yeoman Generators

Yeoman travels light. He didn't pack any generators when he moved in. You can think of a generator like a plug-in. You get to choose what type of application you wish to create, such as a Backbone application or even a Chrome extension.

To install generator-tvwheel from npm, run:

npm install -g generator-tvwheel

Finally, initiate the generator:

yo tvwheel           // 初始化一个标准的项目,生成其目录结构
gulp                  // 进行项目构建
(sudo) gulp server    // 启动服务
gulp doc              // 根据注释生成对应文档
gulp demo             // demo文件夹中的文件copy到build目录下
└── project root
        ├── gulp.js          // gulp的脚本入口文件
        ├── gulp             // 存放gulp构建相关模块,可根据需要自行修改
        ├── package.json     // 存放项目基本信息和node的依赖关系配置
        ├──        // 项目说明文档
        ├── index.js         // 入口文件
        ├──  // 移动端入口文件
        ├── doc              // 存放生成项目API文档
        ├── test             // 存放测试文件
        ├── node_modules     // 存放项目的node模块
        ├── lib              // 项目源文件存放目录
        └── build            // 项目构建目录




Yeoman generator

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:JavaScript 100.0%