littleli / android-styled-dialogs

A simple library for styling Android dialogs in the Holo theme. It also removes boilerplate code for displaying simple dialogs.

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StyledDialogs for Android

This library makes styling and using dialogs a piece of cake.

Screenshot of the dialogs


  • Compatible with Holo style and Android Design Guidelines
  • Change style for all dialogs only by changing a few color resources
  • Same look for Android 2.2+
  • Same API as native Android DialogFragments
  • SimpleDialogFragment class, which makes displaying simple dialogs a one line of code

How to include it in your project:

With Maven:



  • clone the project
  • add it as library project in your IDE
  • include latest support library

How to style all dialogs:

Simply put colors you want to change into your colors.xml. Everything is optional, if you leave anything you get default Holo Dark design. Here are default values:

<color name="dialog_message_text">#FFFFFF</color>
<color name="dialog_title_text">#ff0099cc</color>
<color name="dialog_title_separator">#ff0099cc</color>
<color name="dialog_button_text">#FFFFFF</color>
<color name="dialog_button_normal">@android:color/transparent</color>
<color name="dialog_button_pressed">#990099cc</color> <!-- 60 % opacity -->
<color name="dialog_button_focused">#4C0099cc</color> <!-- 30 % opacity -->
<color name="dialog_button_separator">#12ffffff</color> <!-- 7% opacity -->

Only drawable resource is dialog_bg.9.png - put it in your project to override default background of the dialog.

How to create simple dialogs:


Dialog with a simple message and Close button:, null, R.string.message_1);

Dialog with a title, message and Close button:, null, R.string.message_2, R.string.title);

Dialog with a title, message and two buttons:, null, c.getString(R.string.message_3), this.getString(R.string.title), this.getString(R.string.positive_button), this.getString(R.string.negative_button));

How to react on button press in your Activity/Fragment:

Simply implement interface ISimpleDialogListener in your Activity/Fragment. Similar pattern in your other DialogFragments is recommended. Listener's callbacks have requestCode parameter - you can use it if you have more dialogs in one Activity/Fragment.

How to react on cancelling the dialog:

Implement interface ISimpleDialogCancelListener in your Activity/Fragment.

How create more complex SimpleDialogFragment:

SimpleDialogFragmentBuilder builder = new SimpleDialogFragmentBuilder(MyActivity.this);
builder.setTitle("Some title")

How to create all other DialogFragments:

Extend BaseDialogFragment and look at demo app implementation. It shows two types of those implementations:

  • FavoriteCharacterDialogFragment shows a list in the dialog using extending BaseDialogFragment
  • JayneHatDialogFragment shows a custom view in the dialog using extending SimpleDialogFragment


The library could be improved with more common dialogs. Pull requests are encouraged!

Possible candidates:

  • progress dialog
  • date picker (spinners or calendar)
  • time picker
  • edittext dialog
  • password dialog
  • ...


A simple library for styling Android dialogs in the Holo theme. It also removes boilerplate code for displaying simple dialogs.