lithiumjake / sass-suit-utils

SUIT framework utils ported to sass

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Base.css and all of the SUIT utilities respectfully ported from CSS4 to SASS modules


SUIT is an HTML/CSS framework for creating loosely coupled UI components, originally created by Nicolas Gallagher

SUIT also provides a collection of small, adaptive, structural HTML/CSS modules built using a naming convention inspired by the BEM methodology.

Learn more about SUIT and the utilities it provides at


Base styles for web applications. Provides a thin layer on top of Normalize.css. Removes default margins and exposes variables for theming.

Configurable variables

The following variables are set with !default

  • $background-base: the application background style.
  • $color-base: the root text color.
  • $font-base: the root font style.
  • $link-color-base: the root link color.
  • $link-color-hover-base: the root link interaction (:hover, :focus, :active) color.


A convenient way to include all SASS-SUIT utility modules


Available classes:

  • u-inline - Display inline.
  • u-inlineBlock - Display inline-block.
  • u-block - Display block.
  • u-table - Display table.
  • u-tableCell - Display table-cell.


Available classes:

  • u-cf - Contain floats (micro clearfix).
  • u-nbfc - Create a new block formatting context.
  • u-nbfcAlt - Create a new block formatting context (alternative technique).
  • u-pullLeft - Float left.
  • u-pullRight - Float right.


Available classes:

  • u-linkBlock - Block-level link with no text-decoration for any state.

  • u-linkClean - A link without no text-decoration for any state.

  • u-linkComplex - Limit a link's interactive text-decoration underline to a sub-section of the link text.

    <a class="u-linkComplex" href="{url}">
      Link complex
      <span class="u-linkComplexTarget">target</span>
  • u-linkPseudo - Make another interactive element, e.g., button, look like a link.

    <button class="u-linkPseudo" type="button">
      Link-like button

variables are set with !default

  • $color-linkPseudo: the text color to use for button when styled like a text link.
  • $color-hover-linkPseudo: the text interaction color to use for button when styled like a text link.


A convenient way to import both _before.scss and _after.scss


Available classes

  • u-beforeXofY (numerous) - Specify the proportional offset before an object.

X must be an integer less than Y.

Y can be any of the following numbers: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12.


Utilities that can be limited to specific Media Query breakpoints.

  • u-sm-beforeXofY - To use at the small Media Query breakpoint.
  • u-md-beforeXofY - To use at the medium Media Query breakpoint.
  • u-lg-beforeXofY - To use at the large Media Query breakpoint.


Available classes

  • u-afterXofY (numerous) - Specify the proportional offset before an object.

X must be an integer less than Y.

Y can be any of the following numbers: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12.


Utilities that can be limited to specific Media Query breakpoints.

  • u-sm-afterXofY - To use at the smallest Media Query breakpoint.
  • u-md-afterXofY - To use at the medium Media Query breakpoint.
  • u-lg-afterXofY - To use at the large Media Query breakpoint.


Available classes

  • u-sizeFit - Make an element shrink wrap its content by floating left.
  • u-sizeFitAlt - Make an element shrink wrap its content by floating right.
  • u-sizeFill - Make an element fill the remaining space.
  • u-sizeFillAlt - An alternative method to make an element fill the remaining space.
  • u-sizeFull - Make an element the width of its parent.
  • u-sizeXofY (numerous) - Specify the proportional width of an object.

X must be an integer less than Y.

Y can be any of the following numbers: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12.


Utilities that can be limited to specific Media Query breakpoints.

  • u-sm-sizeXofY - To use at the smallest Media Query breakpoint.
  • u-md-sizeXofY - To use at the medium Media Query breakpoint.
  • u-lg-sizeXofY - To use at the largest Media Query breakpoint.


Available classes

  • u-margin<D><s> - Margin of size s in the direction D.
  • u-padding<D><s> - Padding of size s in direction D.

Where direction (D) can be:

  • A - all
  • T - top
  • R - right
  • B - bottom
  • L - left
  • H - horizontal
  • V - vertical

And size (s) can be:

  • n - none
  • s - small
  • m - medium
  • l - large


Available classes

  • u-isActionable - Style with a pointer cursor to indicate an element will trigger an action.
  • u-isDisabled - Style with a default cursor to indicate no associated action.
  • u-isDraggable - Style with a move cursor to indicate an element can be dragged.
  • u-isHidden - Completely remove an element from the flow and screen readers.
  • u-isHiddenVisually - Completely remove an element from the flow but leave available to screen readers.
  • u-isInvisible - Hide an element without affecting flow
  • u-isShown - Show a hidden element.
  • u-isVisible - Make an element visible.


Available classes

  • u-textBreak - Break strings when their length exceeds the width of their container.
  • u-textCenter - Center-align text.
  • u-textLeft - Left-align text.
  • u-textRight - Right-align text.
  • u-textInheritColor - Inherit the ancestor's text color.
  • u-textNoWrap - Prevent wrapping at whitespace.
  • u-textTruncate - Truncate a single line of text, with ellipsis.


SUIT framework utils ported to sass



Language:CSS 100.0%