litheory / ssh-mitm-proxy

ssh-proxy is a mitm proxy server, intercepting and decrypting SSH stream for security audits or honey pot.

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It’s very common for hackers to use SSH in order to stay under the radar of security products.

SSH can be exploited for hacking in many ways:

  1. SSH is a very common and is usually accepted by most security devices.
  2. SSH Tunneling allows an attacker to transfer any traffic he desires over the standard SSH connection – Hackers Are Using SSH Tunnels to Send Spam
  3. SSH doesn’t have certificates that the Security Devices could compare against an Certificate Authority to authenticate the server

The main issue with blocking “malicious” SSH connections is that it’s close to impossible to tell the difference between malicious and non-malicious SSH connections without decrypting the traffic. SSH represents a potential way to bypass security by creating connections the security device is not able to fully inspect.

To mitigate this threat, a few major security vendors recently published statements that they are mitigating malicious-SSH usage by creating a feature that enables the ability to intercept and decrypt SSH traffic. Following our research we noticed that current available SSH decryption solutions are exposing organizations to MiTM attacks.

ssh-proxy is an intercepting (mitm) proxy server for security audits.

ssh-proxy provides the capability for the firewall to decrypt inbound and outbound SSH connections passing through the firewall, in order to ensure that SSH is not being used to tunnel unwanted applications and content.

In an ssh-proxy configuration, the firewall resides between a client and a server. When the client sends an SSH request to the server, the firewall intercepts the request and forwards the SSH request to the server. SSH decryption does not require any certificates, and the session-key used for inbound decryption is negotiated when the MiTM server received connection request from Original client, and MiTM client request connecting to Original server at once and negotiation another session-key for outbound decryption.

The firewall then intercepts the server response and forwards the response to the client, establishing an SSH tunnel between the firewall and the client and an SSH tunnel between the firewall and the server, with firewall functioning as a proxy. As traffic flows between the client and the server, the firewall is able to distinguish whether the SSH traffic is being routed normally or if it is using SSH tunneling (port forwarding). Content and threat inspections are not performed on SSH tunnels; however, if SSH tunnels are identified by the firewall, the SSH tunneled traffic is blocked and restricted according to configured security policies.

Of course, the victim's SSH CLIENT will complain that the server's key has changed. But because 99.99999% of the time this is caused by a legitimate action (OS re-install, configuration change, etc), many/most users will disregard the warning and continue on.

The proxy server side use approach of “One to rule them all” (A single Fingerprint that controls the entire session flow), while client side will accept any SERVER’s key. Unfortunately this method doesn’t have any MiTM countermeasure. See more: Lies, Damn Lies, and Inspecting SSH Traffic Securely

Change Log

  • v1.0: July 22, 2020: Initial revision. Support ssh interactive shell session.

Do not use this library in production environments! This tool is only for security audits!

To Do

  • Add SCP support v2.0
  • Add SFTP support v2.0
  • Add direct-tcpip port fowarding support v3.0
  • Add forwarded-tcpip port forwarding support v3.0
  • Add X11 support v4.0

Initial Setup



apt-get install libssh-dev


gcc *.c -o ssh-proxy -lssh -lpthread

Start Proxy Server


Start the server:

./ssh-proxy --rhost [remote host] --rport [remote port] --lport [listen port] [Any redundancy char]

NOTE To start ssh-proxy, the command line must follows a redundancy character or string in the end because of a <argp.h> bug.

such as:

./ssh-proxy --rhost 1234sadas
./ssh-proxy --rhost --lport 2222 djaiohj1

Connect to server:

ssh -p 2222 user@server


Usage: sshd_test [OPTION...]
ssh-proxy --  an intercepting (mitm) proxy server for security audits.
<<<<<<< HEAD

  -k, --hostkey=FILE         Set a host key. Can be used multiple
                             times.				      default /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key
  -d, --dsakey=FILE          Set the dsa key. 	default /etc/ssh/ssh_dsa_key
  -e, --ecdsakey=FILE        Set the ecdsa key.	default /etc/ssh/ssh_ecdsa_key
  -r, --rsakey=FILE          Set the rsa key.	  default /etc/ssh/ssh_rsa_key
  -p, --rport=PORT           Set the proxy destination remote port.defualt 22
  -l, --lport=PORT           Set the local port to bind.default 2222
>>>>>>> cab47721b710bc6c5449edb2e8393458f0d5e983
  -t, --rhost=HOST           Set the proxy destination remote host
  -p, --rport=PORT           Set the proxy destination remote port.
                             defualt 22
  -l, --lport=PORT           Set the local port to bind.
                             default 2222
  -v, --verbosity=VERBOSE    Produce verbose output [0-4].	
                             default 0  
  -k, --hostkey=FILE         Set a host key. Can be used multiple times.
  				                   default /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key
  -d, --dsakey=FILE          Set the dsa key. 	
                             default /etc/ssh/ssh_dsa_key
  -e, --ecdsakey=FILE        Set the ecdsa key.	
                             default /etc/ssh/ssh_ecdsa_key
  -r, --rsakey=FILE          Set the rsa key.	
                             default /etc/ssh/ssh_rsa_key

  -?, --help                 Give this help list
      --usage                Give a short usage message
  -V, --version              Print program version

SSH MITM Attacks

SSH uses trust on first use. This means, that you have to accept the fingerprint if it is not known.

$ ssh -p 10022 hugo@localhost
The authenticity of host '[localhost]:10022 ([]:10022)' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is SHA256:GIAALZgy8Z86Sezld13ZM74HGbE9HbWjG6T9nzja/D8.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '[localhost]:10022' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.

If a server fingerprint is known, ssh warns the user, that the host identification has changed.

$ ssh -p 10022 remoteuser@localhost
Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)!
It is also possible that a host key has just been changed.
The fingerprint for the RSA key sent by the remote host is
Please contact your system administrator.
Add correct host key in /home/user/.ssh/known_hosts to get rid of this message.
Offending RSA key in /home/user/.ssh/known_hosts:22
  remove with:
  ssh-keygen -f "/home/user/.ssh/known_hosts" -R "[localhost]:10022"
RSA host key for [localhost]:10022 has changed and you have requested strict checking.
Host key verification failed.

If the victim accepts the (new) fingerprint, then the session can be intercepted.

Use-Case: Honey Pot

When ssh proxy server is used as a honey pot, attackers will accept the fingerprint, because he wants to attack this machine. An attacker also does not know if the fingerprint is correct and if the key has changed, perhaps it the server was reinstalled and a new keypair was generated.

User-Case: Security Audit

Intercepting ssh during security audits is useful to understand, how an application works.

For example, if you have an application, which connects to you local router via ssh, to configure the device, you can intercept those connections, if the application does not know the fingerprint and accept it on first use.

If the application knows the fingerprint, then the same host key is used on every device. In this case, you have a good chance to extract the host key from a firmware updated and use it to trick the application.

See also


ssh-proxy is a mitm proxy server, intercepting and decrypting SSH stream for security audits or honey pot.


Language:C 100.0%